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Harry awoke the next morning to Ron shaking him awake.

"Harry, get up," Ron whispered.

Harry groaned, "what for? It's Saturday."

"Lucius Malfoy's been given The Kiss, it's in the papers," Ron said, but through his blurred vision Harry couldn't tell whether Ron was pleased or not.

"Oh..." Harry said, fumbling around for his glasses. Ron handed him a paper and Harry sat up, reading it.

Harry didn't read the rest, but instead looked up at Ron

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Harry didn't read the rest, but instead looked up at Ron.

"Lucius sort of deserved it, didn't he?" Ron said. "I mean.. he was a nasty bloke and I suppose he did bring all this on himself."

Harry gave the paper back to Ron and didn't say anything.

"About Malfoy, though," Ron snorted, "I don't believe for one second it was against his will."

Again, Harry remained silent and made his way up to the dormitory to get dressed.

At breakfast in the Great Hall, all anyone could talk about was Lucius Malfoy. Harry glanced over at the Slytherin table, and, as he predicted, Malfoy wasn't there. He'd be hiding away somewhere away from it all.

Harry ate quickly, and left the Great Hall in a hurry, telling Ron and Hermione, who were sat hand in hand at the table, not to worry about him.

It took a while, but eventually Harry found Malfoy's little room again. He climbed the ladder and stuck his head through the trap door, and there sat Malfoy at the desk, his head bent over with a quill in hand. 

"Thought you'd be here," Harry said.

Malfoy jumped and turned round. "Bloody hell, Potter," he sighed, turning back to the desk.

Harry climbed out completely, just as Malfoy stood up and turned to him.

"Did you read any of these?" Malfoy asked, gesturing to the notes and diagrams on the desk.

"Uhh..." Harry didn't know whether to lie, but decided it was best to tell the truth. "Yeah.. I - er - did."

Malfoy didn't respond, just ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, leaning against the desk.

It wasn't until now when Harry took the time to actually look at Malfoy. His grey eyes had dark circles underneath them, but they were less obvious when paired with his hollow cheekbones and sharp jaw. A few freckles dotted his nose, but they often went unnoticed by many. He ditched his hair gel in Second Year and let his hair, which was almost as light as his porcelain skin, stay soft and natural. The sleeves of his emerald green jumper were rolled up to his elbows, and Harry could just make out the flick of a snake's tail from the Dark Mark on his forearm as he crossed them.

Harry snapped back into reality and stopped staring at Malfoy, but realised that Malfoy, too was examining him.

Harry's unruly black curls were a nightmare, but they suited him and his circular horn-rimmed glasses. His skin was a coffee colour, lighter than his fathers' dark skin, but darker than Hermione's tanned skin. His eyes were a brilliant contrast to his dark features; bright green, just like his mother's. 

Malfoy suddenly cleared his throat and looked away, a light blush creeping up on his face.

"My father's gone," he said suddenly, breaking the silence.

Harry nodded, "everyone's talking about it. No one's really mentioned you yet, surprisingly."

Malfoy laughed and looked up at Harry sadly.

"You don't have to babysit me," he said. "I'm perfectly entitled to sulk by myself."

"I know," said Harry, "but I wanted to see if you were okay."

"Why don't you spend time with Weasley and Granger?" Malfoy asked.

Harry shrugged. "They get a bit too much sometimes, now that they're together."

"Always knew they had a thing for each other," Malfoy chuckled.

An awkward silence settled upon the two, before Harry suddenly remembered something he'd seen on the Gryffindor notice board.

"There's a party," he said quickly.

"Hmm?" Malfoy asked, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"There's a party in the Year Common Room next Saturday, y'know for house unity and all that shit the teachers keep going on about," Harry said, figuring he might as well carry on explaining no matter how awkward he sounded. "Apparently the teachers are just leaving it to us, so it won't really be monitored. But you should come. Really, it'll be fun."

"You're asking me to go with you to a party full of people who despise me?" Malfoy raised his eyebrow.

Harry coughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Er, yeah?" he said stupidly.

Malfoy smiled, "yeah, alright. What could go wrong?"

Disclaimer/author's note:

Right so what I described Draco and Harry as looking like is how I imagine them; I've always imagined Harry to be mixed (yay for poc potter!!) and I guess Hermione, too, so yeah! I'm not telling you how they should look, because there's a thing called the imagination which allows you to interpret things how you want, and this is how I interpret them.

+also I'm having so much fun writing this I love it so much???!! anyways bye lol

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