Part 2

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We both walk and I kinda stare at him but he looks my way and I look away fast. He smiles and we walked up to a mansion. I look at him and say "what's your name?". He replied "laughing jack but jack is ok. What's your name?". I say with a shy voice " M..Mc". He smiles and we walk in the mansion. I look around while jack was sending people here to meet me. I turn around and see a pale guy with cut mark on his cheeks,I was kinda shaking of fear but said with a quiet shaky voice "h-hi...I'm Mc" he looked at me with a mean face and walks to his room. Jack replied "god damnit Jeff. You don't have to be a dick". I sit down and see the rest of them coming to us looking like there not excepting me. They argue with jack and a little girl walks to me and says "you wanna play?" I nod and get up and walk with the little girl. We play cards and a tall pale guy with no face faces my way and in a split second he is in front of me. He picks me up by the neck and makes me choke. Jack looks over and sees me choking and he tackles the tall guy. I drop down and cough and breathe fast. Jack picks me up and runs off. A guy comes out and throws an axe at jacks back. We both fall and I look over seeing jack bleed black blood. I say with a sad scared voice"n-no.....not again". I start to cry in silence and look up and see the guy beating up jack. I get up fast and grab the axe on the ground and stab the guys leg. He laughs and turns my way with Satan eyes and runs to me. He grab his axe and.....

To be continued

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