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Goths pov:
My heart ached and throbed remembering everything that happened to me no to him I mean to us I felt happy to get to talk to him again and sad about our past and angry at myself I was scared that since he found out who I was that he wouldn't want anything to do with me I was just so mixed emotioned I couldn't help but let small tears escape...they were red... there only red when something really emotional happened I looked to my computer only to be spammed by palette
(Btw goth has his email on the website he made cuz ya know the whole thing about questions or complaints concerns and things that might help etc just email them)
I was then sent an email with a phone number and himself saying calllllll meeehh please!!!!
I dailed the number
+110 776 101 0087 (waaait did author Chan just give away one of her new numbers cause she's lonely and wants someone to talk to....mayyyybe)the second I pressed the call button someone anwsered "GOOOOTH I'VE MISSED YOOOUUU!!" I heard palette yell and by the sound of it he was crying to "o-oh my god it really is you I've missed you so much to"I said holding back tears I heard giggles in the background "PALETTES CRYING LIKE A BIG BABY!!! HAHAHA" "S-SHUT UP PAPERJAM" I heard palette yell "I giggled a little to"cry-haha-baby"I said stiffling laughter "r-really goth" he said clearly still emotional "wait pal I wanna see something" I said hanging up my phone allowed video calls so I tryed video calling pal and within seconds he anwsered once again "AAAAH OMG GOTH YOUR SO CUTE"he said I was confused at first till I saw what I was wearing I forgot I was wearing my pjs that just happened to be fox pjs (I love foxes there a combination of cats and dogs and there beautiful) I laughed "cute?" I asked "yeah I mean just look at you" I rolled my eyes "whatever"suddenly a little blob of ink ambushed palette "hi!" He said "well im assuming your paperjam" I said amusement In my voice "yeah and im assuming your goth?" I giggled "yeah but you know me as nice butt no homo JK" his eyes widden and his right eye turned into a question mark then a star then multiple shapes "really?" "Yeah now go away I was talking to him first" I heard palette say push paperjam away "nuuu I like talking to him" paperjam whined running out the room before he left he pokes his head in the door way "im telling" the he ran off yelling palette rolled his eyes "little brat" he mumbled I laughed a little "you should probably go stop him" I said worry laced in my voice "oh shiz your right brb" he then ran off after pj
~tem skip to ten mins later~
Pj was tied up and had his mouth taped while palette was dragging him back I laughed seeing the two palette quickly hurried over "done and done so uh what now" he asked confused "um we could watch tv?" "Ok what do you wanna watch" "STAR VS THE FORCES OF EVIL!!!" I practically scream "yas!" Palette said punching the air PJ seemed pissed
~another tem skip~
After about six episodes of star some rainbowish guy came in the room he was kinda hard to look at seeing all the neon colors on him he looked at paperjam "what the actual funk happened to jammy" "I tied him up for being a tattle tail" palette said clearly not caring "well that's super harsh bro he didn't diddly darn deserve to be tied up" palette only rolled his eyes "whatever" fresh grabbed jammy and walked out the room about 3 minutes later someone else ran in the room "Palette why'd you tie your little brother up!" A familiar voice said "how did you-" "Fresh told me!" "Snitches" palette mumbled under his breath I giggled "Who's that!" "N-no one" "palette quickly shoved his phone in his pocket "palette let me see" the voice demanded "N-No" palette stuttered "PALETTE PAINT ROLLER GIVE ME YOUR PHONE NOW"palette handed the voice his phone when the person finally had it I was stunned and so was he "goth?" He asked in a worried and questioning voice "Hi ink" I said sheepishly "oh god" he said as he started puking black ink palette was sweating like crazy and I was worried something bad would happen ink handed the phone back to palette "oh god oh god oh GOD SHIT NOPE IM JUST GONNA WALK AWAY PALETTE DON'T TELL YOUR PARENTS ABOUT THIS OR WERE ALL DEAD" ink said walking away in a faster pace than normal I only stood there "uh now would be a good time to hang up call you tomorrow palette" I said as I hung up
~another tem skip to 7 months~
Me and palette text everyday I call him in the mornings and text him at night but tonight he wants to video call after a few hours he calls me it's 11:32 pm "so uh why'd you call me this late palette?"I asked confused his face was dusted with a pastel green blush "u-uh um goth I uh have to tell you something..."
"Ok what is it?"I asked
"Uh well goth I uh really like you and more than a friend too"
I blushed "I uh like you to"I said "r-really?"
"I-I wanna see you to palette we just gotta find out where each other lives" I said stuttering "o-ok"palette looked at me he sincerely wanted to see me and I wanted to see him too
~Moar tem skap~
It's been two weeks since the phone call me and palette are now couple anyways the point is that we found out we lived a few towns away were gonna meet today in a park in a town that's in the middle when I got there it was 1:09 AM it has to be late because if anyone found out about me and palette it wouldn't turn out good palette got there a little after I surprised him with a surprise tickle attack he started laughing till I stopped tickling him I giggled a bit he playfully glared at me and tackles me down hugging me that's when we started to playfully fight after about ten minutes of us being stupid I finally got up I pulled palette up with me I kissed him on the cheek he smiled blushing we sat down on a nearby bench talking for a couple hours I don't know how or who kissed who but we ended up kissing palette pulled away for air but I pulled him back slipping my tongue in his mouth in the process he didn't put up much of a fight after about 3 mins of intense making out I pulled away looking at the time I almost shrieked it was 4:30 am I quickly got up "i-im sorry palette b-but I have to go" i gave him a quick kiss and ran to the train station I got home at 6:48 and carefully snuck in my room hiding in my covers "I know you snuck out goth" I froze and looked up from my covers to see reaper standing next to my bed smirking "shit"I said under my breath "don't worry your not in trouble just tell me who snuck out to see" "I didn't go to see anyone" "really goth you were gone for more than 5 hours I don't think you'd sneak out that long to go get a pop tart" "ugh fine I uh went out to see my b-boyfriend" "ohohoho I see your getting frisky right about now" "dad thats not how it is its just I don't get to see him often and besides we were just talking" "ok ok so uh who's your boyfriend" I stayed silent "goth tell me or im telling geno you snuck out" "it's just that I don't wanna stop seeing him and if you knew who he was then you wouldn't let us see each other anymore" "I swear on my sythe i won't make you guys stop seeing each other" I sighed "fine well uh my boyfriend is p-palette" "wait wait WAIT palette from when you where a kid" I nodded quietly "well uh congrats on getting a boyfriend and I'll keep my best to support you two and uh make sure geno never catches you sneaking out ok bye now goth" "W-Wait!" "What goth?" "Promise you wont tell geno at all" "promise"


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