Umm anything for $2?

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Austin's POV
I start to walk down the strip near the beach I see tons of little shops and different places to eat. I suddenly see a huge outhouse I quickly walk towards it and see showers and slot machine with shampoo and soap. Perfect I have coins in my pockets. I quickly grab some soap and shampoo and find the first open stall.

As I get out of the shower I quickly shake out my clothes and slip them back on. I feel so much better now that I am clean.  Alright next is new clothes. I look in my pockets to see how much I have. I see two Dollar bills and a bunch of coins. Great what place has a whole outfit for  two dollars and change?!
I start to walk down the strip again and I see a small little clothing shop that looks cheap. I start to look around and realize that the cheapest thing is ten dollars and that's just the shirt. Ugh!!  I then see the worker is a girl maybe my age. Maybe I can see if I can get information from her.
"Hi I was wondering if you have any clothing for $2?" She looks at me like I have three heads...wonderful
"Umm no I'm sorry. Our cheapest thing is around $10..."
I whisper great and start to walk away when I hear her say something
"Wait. Umm what were you thinking of getting.."
"I am going to a bonfire and all I have at the moment is what's on my back... my moving boxes haven't arrived yet...and I lost my wallet"
She looked like she didn't believe me but she smiled and told me to follow her.  We walked to the back of the store and she looks me up and down and then turns to a small rack.
She pulls out a small blue sundress and hold it up..please no.
" this looks about your size why don't you try it on"
To be nice I go and try it on. It's a perfect fit but it's a dress and also way over my price range. How was she helping again.  I walk out in the dress and she claps her hands and smiles. "Omg you look beautiful, ok why don't you grab the clothes you had on and follow me to the front." I did as I was told and wonder what she was gonna do. She walks behind the register and pulls out a purse she scans the dress and pulls out money and puts it in the register. I soon realized she just payed from her own wallet.
" Omg no you don't have to pay for me it's ok I'll manage."
"Nonsense bonfires around here a kinda a big deal and I'm going to one tonight and I know I wouldn't want to wear clothes that I have been in for a while. And anyways when you get your wallet back you can come back and pay for the dress." I just look and her and thank her " My name is Carly."
"I'm Austin"
"Well Austin I hope to see you soon either around or when you pay me back. And have fun at your first Huntington Beach bonfire"
I give one last thank you and smile as I walk out of the store with my bag of old clothes and new dress. Now what to do till the bonfire?

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