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Major time skip


Its been three years since i came in to foster care and it has been so good

I graduated 3 years ago and now I'm a sophomore in college I'm going to college to be a counselor and for business

I have a boyfriend and we been together for about a year and 1 month i gave him a hard time at first but i finally broke and let him in but he doesn't know about my past

Mrs. Sarah and her wife Mrs Diane have been so sweet to me they give me the world something i didn't have before and i told them everything

I have an apartment by myself and a car that they bought me for my birthday

I call Mrs. Diane ma and Mrs. Sarah mommy she is the women in the relationship

Im currently with James and we are in this Italian place eating and talking

" When do you leave babe" James asked

" in about an hour if i don't want to get caught in traffic" i replied back as i ate a fork full of pasta

Another thing i have done with my life for the past few years is make up

I started doing it on mommy and i would post videos on Instagram and it gave me hundreds of followers then i met this dude and his name is Dakota and he is gay he also dose make up

So he invited me to come out to this photo shoot and help with make up and i thought it was too good to be true but i went anyways with James tagging along and we did make up together and had a blast

I didn't know that Dakota was a big deal in the make up business so when people heard i was good enough to work with him

People started booking me and my insta followers blew up so now I'm really known and insta famous but i don't let it get to my head

" I'm going to miss you i don't know why you wont let me go" James pouted

" Babe this is business and i don't need to be distracted " i said back while rolling my eyes

Me and Dakota have a make up business together and we got to go back to my home town for about a year because we have been booked to do make up for movies, weddings, baby showers, and more movies

So i have to take my college classes online to stay caught up

"Why do y'all have to be gone so long tho it don't make no damn since" he pouted

"Babe do you know how long it takes to make a movie and we have to do make up for every scene you lucky we might not do it for the other people that want us to do make up for their movies you have to realize this how i make my money you should be proud of me" i said annoyed

"I am proud but i can take care of you and you know this pulse once before you said you would never go back to your home town" he said

"Money's calling babe and i couldn't let kota do it all himself " i said

"But i-" he started but i cut him off

"But nothing I'm going and that's it i have to go" i said getting up from the table as he also got up and left money on the table

My phone rung and it was my mommy

"Hello" i said

"Hey baby i was calling to say i love you and to be safe and make sure to call me and try to come and visit oh and i will send you and Dakota some care packages do you need money" mommy Sarah said

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