Know Your Priorities

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"Behind every legend, lies an impossible dream"

My twin sister Orkid and I seem just like any other 17 year old, but soon everything would change our lives for good. But are we ready for it?

Today was a regular day at the farm, I was just finishing cleaning up the tack in the barn. I heard a familiar voice from behind me, ultimately recognizing it to be my twin. "Hey Takara my girl, how are the horses doing today?" Orkid smiled widely, she seemed awfully cheery this morning, the reason unknown to me. "They're doing great, I'm just finishing cleaning all of the tack, want to go take Orky and Corky for a run?" I offered, realizing Orkid and I had a big race with them, in less than 24 hours. "For sure, but first we gotta upload the vlog, can't keep the viewers hanging" she chuckled, helping me place the tack onto their according shelves. "Exactly, how could I forget! We've just been so busy lately..." I sighed, worrying about every thing I had to finish through-out the day got me extremely stressed. "We just have to find a way to balance it all out, and we will believe me. Things that matter always find a way into your schedule, and our fans matter." She spewed out some inspirational words she just pulls out of nowhere, I smile thinking of how smart my sister is truly. "What? Is it something I said" Orkid took notice, automatically becoming insecure for some reason. "It's nothing, don't worry about it" I giggled, as I walked towards the stall of my lovely horse, Corky. Petting her muzzle, and feeding her some oats. "You're such a pretty girl eh? Did you know that? Of course you did girl, you're going to win this race tomorrow, I believe in you" I whispered pressing my head to hers as I always did, she neighed happily in response. This farm has been in Orkid and I's family for generations and it meant everything to me. Horses were my life, they were my priority. I've been around them since I was young, and I grew up with them. I knew being a horse jockey was the right thing for me. When you're running on the back of your best friend, just flying, the feeling is astounding. "Let's go kiddo" Orkid called to me, pointing towards the door, sending an obvious message. She wanted to finish editing the video and upload it. "K" I mumble in response, "cya guys, I'll be back in a bit" I say to all of our horses, as I walk out of the barn, catching up with Orkid. "Let's do this thang" she chuckled, starting to sprint towards our house, so I joined in, racing her towards the house. We bolted straight for the house, avoiding bumps in the ground and rocks. Orkid sped in front of me and of course won the mini 'race', "Ha! In your face! I won!" She danced around happily, rubbing it in my face. "Congratulations, you're still a bitch though" I joked around, obviously not meaning it. Knowing Orkid, she was sensitive and seemed to be hurt by it anyways. "What?! Seriously Takara? You're such an asshole sometimes" her happy, cheery mood flattened, as we both walked inside the house together. "Baby I'm sorry.... I'm not sorry" I quoted Demi Lavato's song, she seemed to laugh at this and got over it as quick as that. That's the thing I loved about having a twin, we got over fights
so quickly, she was more than a sister, she was a best friend. And, at some points in our lives, we were each other's only friends. We were both greeted by our mother, as we walked in. "Hey sweeties, have you finished cleaning up in the barn? Want to do some gardening later today?" She questioned, whilst she cleaned a skillet.
"Yep we cleaned up, and hell yeah if it means we get to see the hot ass neighbours" I laughed looking at Orkid knowing she'd agree 100%. "Uhm I'd do any psychical labour outside if it meant we'd get to see Jimmy and Daniel" Orkid smiled agreeing, as she set up the laptop. "You girls..." Our mom just chuckled at this. I sat down at the dining table along with Orkid, as she was already starting to edit the video. "How do you think this vlog is going to do?" I asked, lately we've been getting a lot of views. The fans usually want us to do pranks or vlogs, but I just felt as if they didn't like our vlogs as much? The gut wrenching feeling of self doubt was eating its way into my stomach, creating a massive stomach ache from anxiety. This unfortunately happens often for me. "Hell yeah they will! They enjoy all the content we put out" Orkid explained, eyes still focused on the laptop though, continuing her editing. "Girls, when are you going running with Orky and Corky? You've both got a huge race tomorrow" The sound of my mothers voice interrupted my train of thought. "Yeah we already established that, were just finishing the editing on this video mom" I groaned in response having already told her we would run them. "Just checking, just checking" she repeated, throwing her hands in the air in defence. "Yeah mom we've got everything under control, we're going to do great at the race tomorrow" Orkid chimed in, turning her body around to face our mom. "Oh I know you'll do great tomorrow there's no doubt about that, it just depends on whether the horses really want it or not, remember?" Mom smiled, before heading off into the living room leaving us alone. "You almost done?" I turned towards Orkid once more. "Yep, it shall be done exporting the files and what not in like 20 minutes" she answered beaming with happiness, videos in general always put her in a better mood. "While we're waiting, want some crumpets and tea?" I offered, getting up from my chair. "Crumpets and tea? Hell to the yes!" She agreed enthusiastically, crumpets were among Our favourite foods. I grabbed the package of crumpets out of the pantry, carefully putting them into the toaster, and turning it on. I clicked the kettle on to heat up the water, while getting the vegan margarine ready for our crumpets. "Hey, Takara! You will never believe who commented on one of our videos!" Orkid practically screamed with excitement, it had to have been someone extremely important. "Oh my god, who?!" I couldn't be bothered to actually guess any names. "Jake flippin' Paul!" She cheered, unable to contain her astonishment. "No way!? Holy shit!!!! What?! Oh my god! What did he say!" I freaked out, realizing that one of my absolute favourite YouTubers commented on OUR video! "I can't believe this" I huffed, attempting to catch my breathe, I seriously could not breathe, I was so happy. Forgetting completely about the tea and the crumpets, I continued to make the teas, while buttering the crumpets. "he said, and I quote 'Great video girls! Keep it up! I love your channel!' Holy shit!" Orkid smiled widely, grabbing the tea and crumpets that I handed to her. "At first I thought it was fake, but it's actually him I can't believe it!" She added, pure joy and excitement never leaving her tone. "Wow, well that got me in an amazing mood, our goddamn idol, JAKE PAUL responded to us!" I
Grinned, still in shock from the comment. "I know right! I'm responding and saying 'thanks a lot! That means so much to us!' does that sound good?" Orkid suggested, taking a sip of her tea. "Sounds perfect" I approved, as I picked up my crumpet and took a bite out of it. Orkid just nodded, and typed out our response. "I almost forgot, let's take Orky and Corky out for a run before it gets dark out" I suddenly remembered, the excitement over Jake Pauls' was overwhelming. So much, that taking the horses out for a run completely crossed my mind. "Okay sounds great" Orkid said, turning the laptop off and closing it. "The video ended up uploading a few minutes ago, the views were already sky rocketing." Orkid stated happily, Jake's recognition of our channel must've gotten us more views. We both finished drinking our teas and eating our crumpets, putting away the dirty dishes. "Hey ma! We're going to take Orky and Corky for a run, we've got a big day in store for us tomorrow!" I hollered to her, assuming she was in the living room. Earning a muffled "okay!" As her response. She must've been caught up watching shadow hunters or something. I opened the front door for Orkid and I to leave, and closed it behind us. We both started walking at a quick pace, towards the barn. "How's Orky doing? Do you think he can win tomorrow?" I asked Orkid, smiling. "Of course he can, Corky can too. If we win our races, would you actually consider running them to win the Canadian triple crown?" She wondered clearly contemplating whether it was a good idea or not. "Of course, if we're gonna try, we're going all the way. I think we have a chance" I encouraged, knowing our potential. "If we win this race, and enter the first race to the triple crown, our jockey career will be skyrocketing!" Orkid blurted, thinking optimistically as always. It could happen, but honestly I doubt we could win the Canadian triple crown. It takes so much work, and extreme dedication. But, in a circumstance in which we did, that would be so much money, and it would change our lives forever. I smiled thinking about the slim chance we ever actually could do this. "Let's stay optimistic, we'll cross that bridge when we get there though" I addressed, living by my motto, hope for the best, but expect the worst. It basically just reminds myself not to get my hopes up for things I cannot control. Like how I would obsess over winning a date with Cameron Dallas, it would consume my thoughts. Until it made me paranoid, and then when I found out that I didn't win, it made me extremely depressed and hopeless. We made it to the barn, opening the door, both of us stepping inside. Greeted by the beautiful sight of our 9 horses; Orky, Corky, Kasatka, Kodak, Dreamer, Kiska, Earth, Lolita, and Secretariat. We all loved each and everyone one of them, as they were family horses. The barn was extremely clean, since earlier I cleaned the whole place up. The stables, looked crisp with the new wood, a polished glow reflecting off them. "Let's tack them up" Orkid announced, already grabbing Orky and Corky's tack from the shelf. We both saddled our horses up, adjusting the stirrups into place as well. I moved towards Corky's face, checking that her bridle was on correctly. Attaching the reins onto the bridle. "Okay we're ready" I told Orkid, looking over at her and Orky realizing she was ready to run also. She nodded in response, using a stepping stool to climb onto Orky's back adjusting herself correctly. I used the stepping stool to boost myself up, and climbed onto Corky's back. Finding a comfortable position to sit in. We both led our horses towards the exit of the barn. Where it faced roaming fields, trees and orchards. It was truly beautiful, along with the tremendous sunset in the horizon. "Let's get crackalackin'!" I smirked, earning a chuckle from Orkid. We both got our horses into a trot, gradually increasing into a gallop. "Let's fly!" Orkid cheered, raising one fist into the air. We both increased our horses speed, bolting through our farms beautiful fields at high speed. I knew we were ready for tomorrow. I could just feel it.

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