Chapter 2 - Numb

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The pain was real and it was driving him nuts. Every single part of his body burned like hell, his new scars itched like crazy. He felt confused, he felt lost. He opened his eyes slowly, his eyes taking his surroundings little by little. He tried to sit down but felt a pair of soft hands on his shoulders, a really strong pair of hands keeping him from doing it. He lifted his face a little bit and saw a pair of deep blue eyes staring at him, full of worry. He closed his eyes and opened again, this time, he could see properly: Kara Danvers, the Supergirl from another Earth, in her suit, staring at him. What the hell she was doing on his Earth, how did she find him and where the hell he was?

- Oliver? – She said searching his eyes, trying to find something she was not sure what it was. – Are you ok now?

- I... - He looked around, not recognizing the place – Where am I?

- You are in my apartment... I brought you here after I found you passed out on the street.

- What? – He looked around, sitting on the bed this time and Kara let him, not even thinking about stopping him.

- You don't remember coming here? At all? – She looked worried at him.

Oliver looked around and closed his eyes again. He started remembering little by little everything that happened. He was hoping it was all a bad dream when he first woke up, but sadly it wasn't. Prometheus had tortured him, he tore Oliver apart inside and out, then Oliver was left on the ground, bleeding and hurting everywhere. He never felt so alone in his life, and so terrified cause Prometheus made him see who he was for real, what he was: a monster. He couldn't be around his family, his friends, it was too dangerous.

- I... - He took a deep breath, still feeling the pain. – I do... I remember something...

He opened his eyes again, noticing Kara looking at him terrified. She had never seen so many scars on a single body. A piece of his skin by his chest seemed burned, it was deep red and dark around something that looked like a tattoo. Some of his scars seemed old, but the number of new ones were scary. Kara couldn't take her eyes of all of them, not quite sure what to think. She felt worry, panic, and fear. Oliver was used to people look at his scars like that, and he knew he might be worse than he ever was on his life. Kara was the first person looking at him at this condition and she was a ray of sunshine usually, so he thought it was not possible for her to react like she was right now.

- Oliver... - She said in a weak voice, almost crying just looking at him – What... What happened?

- I'm sorry – He said looking down to the bed – I... I needed to go away. I never mention to come here; I didn't even know where here is... I just... - He got up abruptly, scaring Kara. – Sorry – He looked at her and then walked to the window, looking at the rain outside. It was really dark and pouring hard.

- How did you get here? – She kept looking at him not knowing if she should run, hug him or cry. She decided to stay still.

- I stole one of Cisco's extrapolators... Ended up here by accident, I never even thought about where I wanted to go.

- Ok...

- I needed to be away from everyone, to disappear... I can't be around everyone... Is dangerous... For them. – He turned to Kara and looked serious at her.

Kara couldn't look away. A billion of questions popped into her head and she felt worried by the minute. Last time she saw him and the other heroes, they were fine, celebrating a victory, she knew Oliver loved his friends and was loved by them. What could have happened to make him run away? She stood up and walked to him. Oliver took a step behind, fear all over his face.

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