Chapter 3 - Don't Dream It's Over

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Kara stared deeply into Oliver's eyes, afraid of what she was going to hear, but decided to do it anyways. She had to understand. It was the craziest night of her life, for sure, and she was terrified to see Oliver in this state. She had to do something. It was a great start by listening to him.

- Someone made me see the monster I really am... Someone broke me inside, and made me see what I've been trying to hide all those years, since I came back from the Island... - Oliver noticed the confusion on Kara's face, then he remembered she knew nothing about him – I had a hell of a life, let's put it this way... When I first started this hero thing, I used to think I had to kill the bad guys, because they were bad guys. That there was no other way. I found another way, but every now and then I would go back to killing, because there was no other way. This person tricked me, I ended up killing again recently and he showed me that I was only fooling myself. I was in denial, fooling myself that it was for the good of my city, but the truth is that I liked it. I killed, and I liked it. Some years ago I got into my father's boat and the ship wrecked. I ended up on Lian Yu, an Island of the North China Sea. Lian Yu means purgatory, so you can imagine what my life was like for 5 years.

Kara's eyes froze on Oliver's as she heard. Barry told her once that Oliver had a tough past, but this was way beyond tough, this was horrendous. Oliver was human. To be away from home, for all this time, she was beginning to see where some of his scars came from and understand why he was someone that had trust issues (and so many others for what she had seen the last time they saw each other, let's be real). She took two steps, standing in front of him and put one of her hands on his shoulder. Oliver took another step behind.

- Oliver, I don't believe for a second you are a monster, and even if you were, you can't hurt me. – She gave him a shy smile and turned around sitting on her bed, giving him some space. – But that's ok. I'll be right here. And I sense you need to talk, so anytime you feel like it, I'm all ears.

Oliver looked at her serious, his arms crossed on his chest.

- It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, I know what I did... I know what I'm capable of...

- Ok... So... Why are you hurt? The scars and bruises I mean? – Kara was afraid of asking, but she had to.

- I was tortured. For a whole day. I was chained to the ground, unable to defend myself as Prometheus, the bastard that did this to me had his fun. He never wanted to kill me as I begged him for, he just wanted for me to admit what I tried to ignore for so long. He burned my skin while I was awake, he made me bleed... He made me face all of my sins, all of the pictures of the people I have killed in my life. He played mind games with me... I just wanted it to be over, but the end never came... Instead, I'm facing my worst nightmare.

Kara could see she was right of being scared of asking him. She felt her eyes getting teared as she heard him. She was tortured once, but she was Supergirl, she could take it, even if it hurt like hell. She couldn't imagine what it was like for a human like Oliver, someone that was used to exhale confidence, inspire people, be other people's rock. He was broken inside, she could see it, even more than he was outside.

- And... Why did he do it?

- Cause I killed his father 5 years ago. I put an arrow through his heart. He was one of the worst criminals I have faced, it was when I thought killing was the answer.

- O...Ok... - Kara said thoughtful.

- I'm sorry Kara. Like I said, it was not my intention of coming here, or leave a burden on your shoulders... I better get going – Oliver walked to the living room and Kara used super speed to stop him, standing in front of him.

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