Chapter Three

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"Have you seen Dean?" I opened my eyes and saw Aunt Catherine hovering over me, awaiting an answer. 

"No. I haven't seen him for a week now," I muttered. I put my sunglasses back on and rested back as the cool water splashed over my body. This swimming pool was just...the best. 

"That boy. I tried his phone but it goes straight to voicemail. Watch me and him." Her facial expression contorted to utter disdain. She tutted and walked back inside as I looked up at the sun.

I closed my eyes and relaxed. I realise I have been so tense lately, and it wasn't good. What better way to relieve stress than to relax in the pool? After a while I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me. I went upstairs to my room and took a shower then changed into my Punkyfish top, a nice skirt just above my knees, and lovely white sandals. It was a wonderful day today. I decided I would head outside for once.

I sprayed my hair and left it down. For some reason I was left in a good mood, and I wanted to show it. Aunt Cath needed to realise that I wasn't always locked up in my room. I paced downstairs into the kitchen to get a drink. Usually I'd see Dean stood by the microwave, but this time he was nowhere to be seen.

I noticed Derrell sat at the table waiting for me. I usually helped him with his homework once a week. D had learning difficulties and was the lowest in his class; he was also dyslexic and needed all the help and support he could get. He was doing his Maths homework, and I was helping him do his times tables. It was weird since he wasn't really good in Maths or English, but excellent in Science and was the top student.

He fiddled with his pencil and frowned. "I don't understand."

"Just add 12 on each time." 

"But that's hard."

I held up both hands. "Continue from 12. Use your fingers, it might help." He held up his hands and I counted along 12 and got to 22. He still appeared confused.

"But I've run out of fingers," he muttered. 

"That's when you add on another 2 to make 12 instead of 10, so use your right hand to add on 2." 

"Which ones my right hand?" I pointed to his right hand and he nodded and added on 2 more. "So is the answer's 24?" he questioned.

I smiled and nodded. "That's right. 2 multiplied by 12 is 24. Well done, D." 

" that it?" 


He nodded slowly. "Okay, I think I'm gonna take a break now." He stood up.

I laughed forcedly and pulled him back down by his arm. "Don't be ridiculous. One question? Do at least five more then go and have a break." 

His shoulders slumped. "But that's long."

"Doesn't matter. Chop chop." He tutted and picked his pencil back up. I helped him with a few more questions then he ran off to go and play his PSP—the one Renae had broke. I really couldn't wait until he found out.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Yes, believe it or not I have a phone, but I hardly used it. Only Simone, Andrea, and some family contacted me, but I couldn't really complain. It was my cousin's girlfriend, Shanay. I've known her for quite some time now because of Hayden, my cousin. I went to his house one time and she just happened to be there, so I guess we connected well. She was a good acquaintance.

I answered promptly. "Hello?" 

"Come over, Hayden wants to see you." I blinked at the tone. She sounded quite stressed. 

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