Bullied (magcon fanfiction)

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I walk into school. dreading the day to come.

I get bullied really badly by a group of boys.

Taylor, Cameron, Nash, Matt, Aaron, Carter, jack gilinsky, and jack johnson.

they all hate me, and I don't know why.

Jack Johnson is the nicest one, he isn't too mean, but I still hate him.

I walk into school wearing a mint blue sweater, leggings, a white head band with my hair down.

I wear sweaters basically everyday, to hide my scars.

I go to my locker and open it, unlike everyone else, I don't have pictures with friends or selfies taped to the inside door, I don't have any friends besides my mom. My dad is never home.

I put my backpack in and get my stuff for first period, Algerbra 2. I walk in and go to my spot next to no one.

"okay class today we are going to get a new seating chart" my teacher says.


Cameron and Nash are in this class, I may die if I get next to them.

Okay first row I'm not in, neither are either of them, second row I'm not, and neither are then, the third and final row I'm right in the middle of then.

"oh gosh, why are we stuck by this stupid disgusting piece of trash" Nash says to Cameron.

"what piece of trash, I don't see anything even worth looking at" Cameron says back.

that hurt.

"Okay and we are doing a project so I'm gonna put you guys in groups of 3" my teacher says again.

I know with my luck I'll be with them.

oh look

I was right.

After the full hour of being tormented by them and me doing all the work, the class ended.

as I was walking out I heard Nash say to Cameron, "I think we should put Emma in her place after school".

I don't even know what that means, but I'm scared.

I have a class with at least 2 of them for the rest of the day. Then the final bell rang and I was released from this death chamber.

I started walking home when a hand went over my mouth and eyes.

I was dragged for a little bit then my eyes were uncovered.

Who stood there? all of them.

"let's put her in her place" I heard one of them say.

Nash punched me

Taylor kicked me

Cameron scratched me

carter stepped on me

Aaron kicked me

Jack G slapped me

Jack J lightly punched me

and Matt punched me.

Then they all carried me and put me in a garbage can.

"there. now she's in her place" Taylor says.

I couldn't hold back the tears. They watched me struggle and get out, grab my backpack and go home.

when I got home I ran upstairs to my bathroom and got in the shower.

I took out my razor and cut my left arm 2 times and my right arm once.

I thought about cutting through my thought, but I need to wait for things to get better.

I get out of the shower and put on PJ's.

I go down stairs and find my mom.

"Hey sweetie, I cooked garlic bread and steak for dinner, your father isn't gone make it home for another week" she says.

surprise surprise.

"Mom the days are just getting worse and worse, can't I be homeschooled?" I say.

"no honey, we don't have that kind of time" she says.

"I know things are tough but we will make it through" she says grabbing my hand.

My mom is the one person who makes me strong. Without her, I don't think I would be here right now.

-----next day----

I walk into school and 1st period goes by miserably.

2nd period I sit by Carter and Matt.

"Hey what's up Matt" carter says.

He does a head nod.

"ew, I thought you would've killed yourself last night. don't you get it, no one wants to see your face" carter says to me.

I just ignore it. 2nd 3rd, and 4th period go by awfully.

Lunch time.

I go outside and sit there. I don't eat lunch or breakfast, just dinner. The fat comments have taken a toll on me.

The words kill yourself keep playing over in my head.

Snap out of it.

All of the sudden I get hit with a rock. Which makes me jump.

"woah it moves" I hear Aaron say, followed by laughter.

I just get up and walk away.

Surprisingly they don't follow me.

The day goes by horribly and I just can't wait to get home.

As the last bell rings I get a call.

"hello?" I ask.

"hello, is this Emma?" the voice says.

"yeah, why" I ask.

"Your mother has been in an accident, and has died." the voice says

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