Do not be alarmed

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3rd pov

Today was the day, The day (y/n) where leaving her home country. She had already sent her stuff yesterday and had her snake and her weeks worth of clothes all packed. Blue was happily sleeping in the little swing that came with the cage as the girl and her spirits took the a taxicab to the airport. Once they arrive at the airport (y/n) loaded her luggage onto the trolley for the flight. Then she proceeded to the waiting area till her fight to Japan. "Ahh man I hate waiting it's so boring" Achlys cried Hephaestus looked at the other spirit before saying "do not be alarmed! I'm about to be hilarious" after a couple of seconds Hephaestus spoke again "why does waldo always where stripes"
(y/n) shrug her shoulders and Achlys looked deep in thought "because he doesn't want to be spotted" Hephaestus rejoiced the joke caused (y/n) to laugh slightly and Zeus to roll his eyes, after a couple more seconds Achlys exclaimed "oh I get it now, like the game where's Waldo " Achlys proceeds to laugh loudly "shut up  Achlys your being too loud" grumbled Zeus "the flight to Japan from the air fox will be leaving shortly" a mans voice boomed over the speakers, with that said our group stood up and left for the plane "here I go to Japan, I wonder what will happen next" (y/n) said to herself as the boarded the plane

  "Ahh man I hate waiting it's so boring" Achlys cried Hephaestus looked at the other spirit before saying "do not be alarmed! I'm about to be hilarious" after a couple of seconds Hephaestus spoke again "why does waldo always where stripes" (y/n) ...

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(Y/n) pov

My flight was long and slightly painful, where the three didn't count as people I had to sit with two people I didn't know. And my quirk had to put the three in invisible mode for the hours which can be pretty tiring sometimes. Not to mention there was a little boy kicking my seat and Zeus and Achlys kept fighting, even though I was the only one that could hear it bugged me that I couldn't really tell them to stop because everyone else was sleeping. I sighed before closing my eyes Zeus and Achlys finally stopped fighting thanks to Hephaestus.

My mom had already bought a house for us moved in and placed all our furniture all I had to do was unpack my clothes when i got there

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My mom had already bought a house for us moved in and placed all our furniture all I had to do was unpack my clothes when i got there. The plane landed and i just got off I was now waiting for my luggage I had one large one and a smaller one, blue was with me the hole time on the plane so I didn't loose him. Finally my luggage came and I took it off

"Ok guys are you ready to see mom again" I cheered the boys nodded "and Laura will finally be able to meet blue" Hephaestus spoken I nodded "mom texted me saying she has her- our butler coming to pick us up where she has a meeting at U

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"Ok guys are you ready to see mom again" I cheered the boys nodded "and Laura will finally be able to meet blue" Hephaestus spoken I nodded "mom texted me saying she has her- our butler coming to pick us up where she has a meeting at U.A for my class" I chirped. Walking down the airport I found a man in a butler suit next to another man who was fairly tall, they where both around moms age. the man in the suit held a sign that said my name

 the man in the suit held a sign that said my name

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"Are you (l/n) (y/n)" asked the man next to the one in the suit I nodded my head at the two "well I'm your mothers fiancé Levi

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"Are you (l/n) (y/n)" asked the man next to the one in the suit I nodded my head at the two "well I'm your mothers fiancé Levi. Did she tell you about the wedding also this is Luka" Levi said pointing to the butler  I nodded "and this must be your quirk" Levi said I smiled "yeah there names are Hephaestus, Achlys and Zeus. Oh and this is blueberry" the boys waved at Levi "well it's a great pleasure to finally meet you, oh you'll have too meet your new half-brothers too " Levi chimes I nodded then asked "how many brothers do I now have" Luka took my stuff as we began to walk I was happily holding blue in my hands "you will have two new brothers saeyoung and saeran" Levi rejoiced as we got to the car "how old are they" Hephaestus asked "4" I nodded happily "I can't wait too see mom and meet my new brothers" i thought as we drove off

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