3. Mexico

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One month passed and Maria was now a part of the pack after they found out what supernatural powers she has and that she's extremely fast as a Vampire. They all grew together and got closer. Maria and Malia got really good friends. You could say they're best friends. Just like Lydia and Allison. Of course Maria is also really close with Allison and Lydia but Malia is her best friend. Scott is like her big brother because he's the alpha anf the leader of the pack. She really likes him. She also likes Stiles but she has also other thoughts to him. He's cute anf beautiful but he's together with Malia so she sees in him nothing more than a cute friend. And Liam. The two also got really close and he's also one of her best friends.

But right now they have to worry about other things. Scott is really worried about a guy called Derek. Malia is as new in the pack as I am so we both don't know who he is but if Scotts worried we also are.

Stiles Scott Allison Malia and Lydia went to Mexico but Liam and I had to stay here because we have a test today which is 50% of our grade. But I'm coming right after school. I'm faster than any car or something so I will be there in at least 5 Minutes. Liam is gonna stay here because he's nit as fast as I am. Malia is gonna send me an sms where exactly they are gonna be, but they have to find out where Derek is.

So when I walked into the school I was pretty nervous. Not just because of the test also because of the others being in Mexico. "Hey" Liam greeted me. "Hi, ready for the test?" I said nervously. "Hey, you don't have to be nervous. You studied more than any of us for the test okay?" he told me calmly. "Okey but we're helping each other right?" I said a little bit panicking. "Of course. Like we always do, and when we fail you're gonna manipulate the teacher, right?" "Yeah right" i said laughing. He always makes me laugh. He's a good friend.
When the test was over we had our first break and Liam and I decided to go to the Library.
"You know it's just that I can't sit here waiting until school is over while we're sitting here doing nothing. I hate that. Feeling helpless you know?" "Yeah. I know exactly what you're talking about, but they're older." he told me
So I waited and waited until the bell rang. Schools over. I can go now. Malia already textet ne they are gonna be in La Iglesia. So I made my way to the church.

When I got there I saw Stiles jeep and Lydia Allison Malia and Stiles going outside of the jeep. They just arrived. We stood still when Scott and Breadon came out with a boy. "Is that him?" I asked Stiles "Is that Derek?" Malia asked too. "Sort of" Stiles answered while the boy looked up at us.

Everyone panicked when they saw Derek while I admired him in the back of Stiles Jeep. He is good looking. And he is around my age. But everyone is saying things like 'we have to bring him back' 'why is he a teenager again'...

We're on the way to Deaton because we hope, well the others hope he knows how to bring him back to the real Derek. We entered the animal clinic and put Derek onto a metal table.

Deaton: Wow

Stiles: Wow. Wow as in I've seen that before and know exactly what to do kind of wow. Cause that's the kind of wow we're hoping for.

Deaton: I think you might been overcasting my aibilitys.

Me: He's cold. Really cold.- I said while holding his hand. Just like the whole drive.

Scott: You think this is permanent?

Deaton: I'm not sure. This is well beyond my experiences.

Stiles: So what do we do with him.

Deaton: Until he wakes up, probably not much. Might be best to leave him with me, he'll be safe here.

Allison: You mean from Kate.

Deaton: She's not gonna be able to walk through these doors.

Lydia: Why would she do that to him?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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