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We do it. We all do it. We look starry-eyed into that other heart and we swear they're the one. We believe--often truthfully-- that no one has ever made us feel the way they do. We trust them and love them and accept them. We hold their hand through a part of our journey -- happily. Readily. But it's a long journey, and inevitably we all learn about that place. The crossroads. And maybe it comes slowly, maybe all at once-- but that is the place we are forced to face the truth. And it's a hard truth. That heart -- the one we have walked with and knew and loved and wanted - isn't meant to walk with us any further. No matter how it happens, part of us feels the pain. Another feels betrayed. And the rest is just a mix of vulnerability and questions and anger and maybe even a little bit of not knowing at all how we fee. And that's when we do it. We take that whole journey we walked with that other heart, and we try to make it less than it was. We try to say there were signs all along. And that we always knew it wouldn't work out. Maybe we pick apart the good times and emphasize the bad times. We try to rewrite the chapter with different words. Because somehow -- somehow -- we came to believe that a heart can't keep part of our future. But darling, do we really -- do we really -- need to do that? Recolor all those great all those great experiences you had with them -- all those things about them you truly loved? They played a part in your story. And you loved that part while you wrote it. So, sweet soul, let them keep that chapter. Let them keep them that part of your heart that they helped grow. You can have a past. And you can give it to the freedom to stay exactly as it was. Let it -- let them -- keep that part of you, ok? And then walk forward. There are so many new chapter waiting to be written.

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