Message in a Bottle

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I was walking through the mall with Harry, Niall and Gemma. We were all striding forward, synchronised in a line. I didn't know where we were going but I didn't feel quite seccure. I looked around into the shops. When we reached the book store, I saw a black figure creeping through the isles, while looking directly at me. It was at the back of the store, far away from me but I didn't feel safe. The hairs on my skin reached out as a shiver rushed through me. I looked up at Harry who was next to me, but he didn't seem to notice. He was just looking forward with no facial expression at all. I looked down at his hand and reached for it. I squeezed it tightly, hoping that he would comfort me. But he didn't even pay any attention to me. We kept walking and I saw it again. The figure this time was in the dressing room of David Jones. Still, it was staring at me. It was a lot closer to me this time. But I just ignored it and kept walking. I reassured myself that I was imagining it. I looked over at everyone but the only people with me were Harry and Niall. Gemma was no where to be seen. I asked Niall where Gemma was. But he ignored me with a blank face. I then saw the black person again but walking on the other side of the path. It stared at me while we both passed, and at this moment I knew that this wasn't right. I looked back at Harry and Niall to ask if we could leave but I didn't see Niall. He had now disappeared. But I didn't bother ask Harry where he was because I was too scared to even ask him. I looked down at my feet as I walked up a few stairs and my eyes followed the direction of another pair of feet. They were infornt of me, blocking my way. I looked up and it was a person in black. The same one as all of those other times. I called for Harry but he wasn't here. I was alone. The person in black lifted up their arm and pulled a gun to my face. I heard a bang.

I sprung out of bed in shock, with wet tear marks down my face. Then i realised that it was just a dream. My heart was beating really fast and my room was dark. I ran through my mind what had just happened. I had a nightmare from the story that Harry told me about his sister and ex-girlfriend. I looked at my alarm clock and it just said 4:35. I fell back into my bed and rested into my pillow. I fell asleep.

***3 hours later***

I awoke again at 7:35 after having a better sleep. I didn't dream about anything that time. Which was what I preffered. I felt something hard in my pocket, which was pinching my leg. I pulled out a note. It was the note that Harry gave me last night. It was wrapped in an envelope which said my name in Harry's cursive handwriting. My heart skipped a beat as I tore it open.

Dear Shell,

Meet me at the Wharf at 6:00 tomorow night. Or tonight, if your reading it the day after you received this. Wear something light and comfy. I'll be waiting.


Your secret admirer.

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