This is a new Dolan Twins fan fiction I'm working on. It's about the boys who are working for a mob boss in Italy, and they were hired to kidnap a girl. They weren't sure why, but they didn't ask! Through the story the boys grow closer to Savanah, w...
Today's been extremely long. And not in a good way either. Got kicked off the cheer team even though I was cheer captain, lost my job at the bakery, forgot to pay rent on my apartment and got kicked out. It's just been terrible! Nothing could be worse than this. It's currently 9pm, August 1st, on a sad, hot, Monday night. I make my way over to a bus bench, sot down, curl up into a ball and I immediately start to cry. 'Why is this happening to me?' I thought to myself. That continued with, 'I'm just a 17 year old girl! I, work hard for everything I have.' I am so confused and frustrated right now.
Just as I thought it couldn't get worse, a car pulled up and stopped. The man rolled down his window and I began freaking out a little. He then spoke. "Hey, we're just passing through town but do you know a good place we could possibly grab a bite to eat at?" I then realized he to was teenager! He had tanned skin, brown/hazelish eyes and brown hair with some blonde in it. Next to him sat a guy who looked like him. Except, he had curly hair and a sharp jawline. "Um yeah, just down the road is a varsity. They have some good food, and near there is my favorite, a chilis." I also wiped away some tears. He nodded and looked as if he was about to go, but hesitated. "Not many people live around here do they?" I look around. Near here we have a fast stop gas station, a small shop across the street, and mostly woods. I just shrug. "Nah, it's a pretty small town. About 100 people tops." I state knowing this town. I've lived here since I was born. "That's perfect huh Ethan? We were looking for a small town to crash at!" I guess the guy in the passengers seat is named Ethan.
All of a sudden I get a little cold as the wind blows. "Do you need a ride?" Ethan? Asked and I nod. They gladly let me in. I know this is wrong but they seem nice. "Where to?" The driver asked. "Just past 45, on green street." I tell him and, off we go! After driving for maybe 20 minutes I say, "make a left here!" But he kept driving and passed the stop. "Perhaps you can make a uturn?" I begin to feel scared. I go to open my door, but nothing it was locked and wouldn't open! Suddenly Mr . passenger seat man, Ethan, gets back here with me. I screamed a bit while crying. He covered mouth and smashed my head to the window. I began to feel week and tired. My vision got blurry, but I faught it. Next thing I knew, my hands and feet were tied up. My vision popped in and out, after that I was pulled into a cabin, seemingly in the woods. Finally I gave out! Everything went black and quiet, for hours!
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