This is a new Dolan Twins fan fiction I'm working on. It's about the boys who are working for a mob boss in Italy, and they were hired to kidnap a girl. They weren't sure why, but they didn't ask! Through the story the boys grow closer to Savanah, w...
It was around 3am, (I believe), when I got out of bed in search for a way out of this place! I need to escape! The first idea was to check the window in the bathroom, locked! And the only other idea I had, was to check the front door. I slowly make my way downstairs, trying not to make to much noise! The stairs creaked a bit, which worried me, but in the end I made it to the door! Of course it was locked! I look around the livingroom, then the kitchen. I spot some keys on the table! Grabbing them, I head back to the door. I tried about 5-10 keys, by now, I hear the steps! One last try - and the last key was the one! "Hey!" I hear from behind me, it was Grayson! I just make a dash for it and run!
The woods were so large and confusing! I didn't know where to go. I ran diagonally but behind me I would hear rustling, noting Grayson wasn't too far behind me. My heart is racing, eye spinning, my vision blurry! I can't give up! My feet wouldn't stop! Finally I slip and going sliding and tumbling down a hill. At the bottom, I was all dizzy and weak. My arm was all cut up and bleeding, my skin all muddy and dirty. I scraped up my knee and hurt my neck. I couldn't move my head. All of a sudden, I hear rustling from all around me! My vision was blurry and very fuzzy, but it looked like wolves! 5 white wolves! "Damnit!" I hear a yell, it sounded like Grayson. A sharp pain then ripped into my left leg, and one in my right arm! Lastly a I heard a bang and some more rustling. By now, my heart feels like it exploded, my body trembling in pain. The whole world was spinning as tears fell down my face. Next, it felt like my body was being lifted up, and then I saw a face. It was the last thing I saw before fading into the dark.
Grayson P.O.V.: After shooting at a wolf the others ran away. I had to get Savanah to safety. She was never supposed to get hirt in the first place. Back at the house I see Ethan and he helps me get Savanah onto the table. "Dude, she needs a hospital!" Ethan said and he isn't wrong. "But we don't have money to pay them, or an explanation of how we know her! We don't know anything." I protested. "We'll figure something out! But if we don't go now, she's dead!" With that, I carry Savanah to the car, Ethan drives, and we rush to the hospital. There, the doctors take her to the back and work on her. It's bad, really bad! But luckily she'll make it! "Escape plan!" Ethan and I say to each other at 6am, 2 hours before our flight. He rushes home to get the bags while I go give Savanah her clothes. "Change, quickly!" I say before helping her. But she's extremely high off of pain killers, this won't be easy!
(Sorry for dramatic chapter)
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