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Nemi sighed. She layed down in her bed. The light which her mobile phone emitted was the only sign of energy in her room.
Nemi herself didn't feel energetic or happy for a long time now. Even though she lives with her boyfriend Hyungwon for three years now, she still fails to find the purpose in life. Hyungwon's place was the only safe source. A place where she fled from her parents.
Nemi's boyfriend was out with his boys again, but she stopped worrying about him because he always knows what he's doing. She trusts him and he trusts her.

A frown formed on Nemi's forehead when she discovered a sketchy article on her smartphone.

'Lost Hyuko Beach - Truth or just a myth?'

Out of curiosity, she clicked on the article. Surprisingly, the text was written a few hours ago.

'The lost hyuko beach once was a place for families and entertainment, until it got destroyed from a shootout a few years ago.
Some people think if you dare to step a single foot in the old restaurant and bar ,,Spine Breaker" you get either cursed or one step further to your fate.

Article written by: Anonymous
Date: ???, 22:00'

Nemi's first thought was: "I got nothing to lose". Somehow she felt kind of attracted by that article, even though the article gave off weird vibes. Name of the writer and the date were unknown. She also thought that articles aren't supposed to be that short. Nevertheless, she went downstairs to put her shoes on. Grabbing her leather jacket, she opened the door and the cool summer breeze welcomed her. "Hyungwon always goes outside so I can too", Nemi murmured under her breath.


Nemi stood in front of the bar ,Spine Breaker'. The white tables were destroyed and the blue chairs splintered. Even shot holes could be seen on the minibar where people once ordered their drinks and laughed together. Nemi's feet were cold because she stood in a big puddle which was created from the heavy rain, but she didn't care. Her heart was racing and her skin was covered with goosebumps, but she still just stood there and waited. After ten minutes of waiting, she sighed. "I'm so dumb for believing bullcrap.", she thought to herself. She didn't even turn around when she heard a deaffining scream. "Fuck you!"
"You deserved this and you know it."
Two men were talking in the vicinity of her. Nemi walked slowly to the direction where she heard the voices. She instantly stopped in her tracks when she saw them. A man was on the floor and covered in blood, the other one stood in front of him. "Nice time in hell.", the darkhaired man who stood in front of him spat on the other one and walked away, luckily not in Nemi's direction. She waited until he was out of sight. Even though her knees were trembling and her sweat got cold, she sprinted to the bleeding und hopefully not unconscious man. "My god, are you okay?"
The man halfway opened his eyes. He had pitchblack hair which made a breathtaking contrast with his pale porcelain skin. He opened his mouth lightly to say something, but then closed it again. The stranger was too exhausted to even whisper. He closed his eyes and let out a quiet groan but he still continued to breath. "Fuck.", Nemi cursed under her breath while she tried to pick up the man. It was probably a dumb idea to take a stranger at home, but she couldn't let him bleed to death here on a dangerous street. The lost hyuko beach came to her mind and she wasn't sure if this was fate, a curse or something in between.


"Hyungwon will kill me.", the girl whispered as she carefully put the stranger on her bed after she cleaned and bandaged his wounds. The blood still stained on her bedsheets, but Nemi could care less. She sat at the edge of the bed and gazed at him. He looked so fragile yet so resistant, so eerie yet so benevolent. The man who attacked could've also had his good reasons. She didn't know if he deserved it or not, but either way she mentally convinced herself that she didn't make a mistake. Now she didn't care what Hyungwon would think of this scenario, but at least she hopefully saved a life.


The noise of a key turning in the door woke Nemi up. While groaning, she forced herself to open one eye. It was already morning. The warmth of the sunshine embraced her face. For a moment, Nemi tried to remember the reason why exactly she slept on the couch. Then the incident from yesterday came to her mind in light speed. Blood. Man. Pale skin and dark hair. Hyuko beach. Suddenly, Nemi was wide awake and sat up. The door got open and in came her boyfriend, Hyungwon. "Hey.", he greeted her quietly. "Why did you sleep on the couch?"
"Uuh..", Nemi scratched the back of her neck thinking about a good excuse. "Oh, I know why.", Hyungwon said. "You were waiting for me. Sorry, I know I came really late.", he ascertained and apologized at the same time. He walked over to her and kissed Nemi on the forehead. Nemi chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, not like I'm surprised. You're making breakfast, boy."
Hyungwon nodded and smiled, already standing in the kitchen. He looked tired, but Nemi didn't even bother to ask again what he did the whole night. Instead, she ran up the stairs. For the first time in forever, she got better things to do than to find out what her boyfriend is always doing.

Nemi didn't know what to think as the stranger was in the middle of opening the window. She ran up to him and clasped her hand around his arm. "The hell are you doing?", she hissed quietly, making sure Hyungwon doesn't hear her. "I need to go. I don't want to get beaten up again by your boyfriend or whoever that was.", his voice was deep and strong but still weak because of his poor state. Nemi pulled him to the center of the room. "Forget him."
The boy sighed deeply and sat down at the edge of her bed. He stared at the wall, probably thinking about how he could escape from this little mess. "What's your name?", Nemi broke the short but heavy silence between them. "Yoongi. Min Yoongi.", he answered coldly. She shifted her weight on her other foot.
'Why the hell did I do this?', she thought. "I'm Nemi. Surname Bam."
His gaze wandered to her. His expression was unreadable. People say the eyes are the gates to the soul, but It was as if he built a thick wall of unbreakable glass on the surface of his eyes. "How are your wounds?", she asked next. "Better, I guess.", Yoongi answered blankly and even gave her a quick smile, but Nemi had the the feeling that he wasn't being sincere at all.
"Breakfast!", Hyungwon yelled from downstairs. "Yeah.", she yelled back and then turned her attention to Yoongi. She mirrored the intensity of his gaze and an eerie silence surrounded the two. She broke the silence by sighing audibly. She told him: "Look, you can go or stay, I don't care. If you need someone to talk to or something, then don't hesitate to stay."
He just looked at her and gave her a quick nod. Nemi just couldn't figure this boy's cold behaviour out, but she decided to not take it personally because she technically kidnapped him and took him to a house which was unfamiliar to him. She went downstairs to eat breakfast and silently thought about to sneak some bread and water for Yoongi.

The pair sat at silence at the small table, eating their eggs and bread. "Who was this?", Hyungwon suddenly asked in a serious tone. Nemi's heart felt like it sunk into her stomach. She stopped chewing immediately and thought of a good excuse. Suddenly, her chuckle filled the whole room. "Hyura. A friend of Hyura again. A prank call.", Nemi always tends to mutter keywords when she's nervous. Hyungwon furrowed his eyebrows at first, but then decided to shake it off and picked up a piece of egg with his fork. The couple flinched in surprise when they heard footsteps and then a crashing noise from upstairs.


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