jailhouse rock

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While Gamora got her own cell for her own protection, everyone else had to sleep on a heap on the floor

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While Gamora got her own cell for her own protection, everyone else had to sleep on a heap on the floor. Tori was sleeping next to Peter and subconsciously wrapped her arms around him. Peter didn't mind. He would stare at her every so often. He liked this girl, and it wasn't just because she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. She was Terran, like him, and she also had music that was very dear to her heart. However, he heard Gamora being dragged off by inmates. 

"Tori, wake up" Peter said softly, shaking her gently. Tori's eyes opened and when she saw where her arms were, she retracted them quickly. 

"Ew" she muttered. Rocket, who was curled up against Tori's back, woke up as well. Peter stood up and proceeded to follow the prisoners and Gamora.

"Quill, where are you going?" Rocket asked.

"We should go stop him" Tori said.

"Why? Don't tell me you're attracted to him"

"No! Gross, don't even say stuff like that" 

"Fine. Let's go get him"


Tori and Rocket caught up to Peter. Tori lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Quill, what are you doing?" she whispered. Peter didn't answer her. They watched as a man named Drax explained why she should be the one to kill Gamora.

"Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Camaria. He slaughtered them where they stood. And he laughed! Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family, I shall kill one of his in return" Drax said

"Of course, Drax. Here, I..." the prisoner, Moloka Dar, proceeded to hand Drax his knife but Gamora kicked it out of his hand. She took two other weapons and held them up to Moloka and Drax's necks. Peter started to walk towards them.

"Quill!" Rocket warned

"I'm no family to Ronan or Thanos.  I'm your only hope at stopping him" Gamora said. Drax grabbed her by the throat.

"Woman, your words mean nothing to me!" Drax said

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey!" Peter said as he stepped forward. Tori and Rocket looked to each other, and shook their heads.

"You know, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose, I don't think this is the best way to go about it" Peter said

"Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?" Drax asked

"Well, I mean, she's hardly the first woman to try and do that to me." Peter pulled up his shirt to show off a scar. "Look, this is from a smoking-hot Rajak girl. Stabbed me with a fork. Didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise" He showed another scar near his throat. "I got, right here, a Kree girl tried to rip out my thorax. She caught me with this skinny little A'askavariian who worked in Nova Records. I was trying to get information. You ever see an A'askavariian? They have tentacles and needles for teeth. If you think I'm seriously interested in that, then... you don't care. But here's the point. She betrayed Ronan, he's coming back for her. And when he does, that's when you..." Peter slid his finger across his throat.

"Why would I put my finger on his throat?" Drax asked

"What? Oh, this is a symbol. This is a symbol for you slicing his throat" Peter explained

"I would not slice his throat, I would cut his head clean off" Drax said

" It's a general expression for you killing somebody" Peter turned to Moloka. "You've heard of this. You've seen this, right? You know what that is"

"Yeah, yeah" Moloka said

"Everyone knows" Peter said. Drax looked to Moloka who quickly denied that he knew. "What I'm saying is, you want to keep her alive. Don't do his work for him" Drax let go of Gamora. He then looked at the knife he had.

"I like your knife. I'm keeping it" Drax said

"That was my favorite knife" Moloka said


Gamora started walking back to her cell while Peter, Tori and Rocket followed.

"Listen! I could care less whether you live or whether you die" Peter said

"Then why stop the big guy?" Gamora asked

"Simple. You know where to sell my orb" Peter said

"How are we gonna sell it when we and it are still here?" Gamora said

"My friends Rocket and Tori, here, have escaped twenty-two prisons" Peter said. Tori and Rocket gave each other a knowing smirk.

"We're getting out alright" Tori assured

"And then we're headed straight to Yondu to retrieve your bounty" Rocket said

"How much was your buyer willing to pay you for my orb?" Peter asked

"Four billion units" Gamora said

"What?" Tori and Rocket said

"Holy shit" Peter said

"That orb is my opportunity to get away from Thanos and Ronan. If you free us, I'll lead you to the buyer directly and I'll split the profit between the four of us" Gamora said

"I am Groot"

"Five of us. Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual" Rocket said

"Seriously Groot. You're gonna have to earn it one of these days" Tori said. Gamora, Rocket and Tori started to head back to their cell, well Gamora and Rocket anyways because Peter had stopped Tori.

"What is it Quill?" Tori said.

"It's about earlier today. You love music just as much as I do, don't you?" Peter said. Tori grinned and nodded.

"Yeah. I especially love ABBA. My parents gave me tapes of all their songs. I know the words to every single one" Tori said. Peter couldn't stop the smile. Where has this girl been all his life?

"I'd like to properly introduce myself. Peter Quill, some people call me Star-Lord" he said, holding out his hand. Tori put her hand on his and shook it.

"Tori Phoenix, some people call me Dancing Queen" 

"Like the song"

"Yeah. That's why I gave myself that name"

"Also, I couldn't help but notice when you were sleeping that you had your arms around me. Not that I minded" Peter said with a wink. Tori shook her head and started walking away.

"That doesn't mean I like you or anything" she said.  

Star Lord and the Dancing Queen {Peter Quill}Where stories live. Discover now