when all is said and done

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The Nova Corps came to arrest the imposter aliens

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The Nova Corps came to arrest the imposter aliens. It turns out their race was actually called Impostors and they were known for kidnapping innocent people, using their DNA to make them look like the person and live a life of crime masqueraded as them. The Guardians followed the Nova Corps back to Xandar. At the Nova Corps headquarters, Tori's real parents were seen by a doctor and were treated for any injuries or sickness they got while kept hostage.

"Nova Prime, what happens to my parents now? Do they go back to Earth?" Tori asked.

"We can send them back to Earth in a shuttle, or we can accommodate living arrangements for them here on Xandar. That choice, however, is for your parents to decide" Nova Prime said. She placed her hand on Tori's arm. "Miss Phoenix, I can assure you whatever choice they make, they will be safe now because of you. Their criminal records have also been erased since it wasn't your real parents who committed those crimes"

"Thank you Nova Prime" Tori said. Nova Prime gave Tori a nod before she walked off. Peter then approached her.

"How are your parents doing?" he asked

"They're fine. Their injuries were treated so now they're getting some much deserved rest" Tori explained. Even though her parents were fine now, she was still worried about them. Peter noticed this.

"How about we go get something to eat. Just you and me" he offered.

"You mean like a date?"

"Well, it doesn't have to be a date. It can just be two friends---"

"A date sounds like fun"


They had found a small diner to eat at. It was practically empty except for one other customer and the staff. Peter and Tori didn't care though. They sat across from each other. A waitress had already taken their order so now they were just waiting for their food.

"Do you know where your parents are going to go?" Peter asked

"They can either stay here on Xandar or they can go back to Earth. To be honest, I don't like either of those choices for them" Tori said

"Why not?"

"Xandar isn't a planet that's familiar to them. I don't want them feeling like they don't belong. Earth would also be unfamiliar to them. They haven't been there for twenty eight years. So much would have changed and they wouldn't know what to do" Tori said

"Here's a suggestion, and I'm just throwing this out the window, but maybe they could stay with us. We do have enough room"

"Peter, that's a nice thought and all, but they've been stuck on a ship for twenty eight years. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to spend twenty eight more like that"

"Yeah, you're right. Does the Nova Corps decide where they go?"

"No. It's solely my parents' decision" Tori said

"Then you know whatever choice they make will be the best for them" Peter assured her. Tori smiled and placed her hands over his. When her hands touched his own, it made his heart beat faster. Both times that they had kissed, he didn't just feel sparks. He felt fireworks. Whenever he looked at her, he couldn't help but think how beautiful she was.

Peter Quill had fooled around and fell in love with Tori Phoenix.


Peter and Tori arrived back at Nova Corps headquarters hand in hand. Gamora approached both of them. She glanced down at their hands and smiled to herself.

"Tori, your parents are ready to make their decision and they want you present for it" she said. Tori nodded, so she and Peter followed Gamora. Rocket, Groot and Drax were waiting for them. Nova Prime stood in between Helen and Fernando.

"Miss Phoenix, your parents have made their decision" Nova Prime said. Helen and Fernando stepped forward and took each other's hands.

"Tori, before we announce our choice, we want to thank you and your friends for saving us. We owe our lives to you" Fernando said.

"Your father and I have thought hard about our decision, and we've decided to stay on Xandar. We don't have a life back on Earth anymore. That life was stolen from us twenty eight years ago. Xandar is our chance to start over" Helen said

"I think that's great, you two. You two are going to love it here" Tori said. She walked up to her parents and gave both of them a hug. "I love you mom. I love you dad"

"We love you too" both Helen and Fernando said.


After saying their goodbyes, the Guardians went back to the Milano and left Xandar. Tori observed the planet through the window, knowing her parents were going to have a happy life on Xandar.

"Hey Tor" Rocket's voice knocked Tori out of her thoughts. She turned to face him. "I'm surprised you didn't choose to stay with your parents" Tori smiled and sat down.

"Yes, they're my parents but that's not where I belong. You guys are my family and I belong here. Nothing is going to make me leave you guys" she said. Rocket grinned at her and climbed onto her lap. She started petting his head.

"Tor, I've never said this before, but I love you" Rocket said

"I love you too Rocket" she replied.

"Just don't tell anyone that I said. You may be my sister, but I'll kill you if you tell anyone I said those words, exclusively in that order"


Tori was in her room listening to Dancing Queen. She was twirling and waving her arms around. Peter heard the music coming from her room, so he decided to join her. When Tori noticed Peter, she took his hands in hers and they started dancing together. She giggled as he twirled her around. Her laugh was like music to Peter's ears. Peter caught Tori in his arms, and he dipped her. They stared at each other as Tori sang along with the music. Peter thought she had the voice of an angel.

"See that girl, watch that sing, diggin' the dancing queen" She placed her hand on his cheek. Peter leaned in slowly and before his lips could touch hers, he spoke.

"So, are we like a thing now?" he asked

"Just shut up and kiss me" Tori whispered. Their lips pressed together in a soft but passionate kiss. Star-Lord had his Dancing Queen, while the Dancing Queen had her Star-Lord.

The End

Star-Lord and the Dancing Queen will return!

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