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(Sugawara's POV)

~ Two Years Prior To Current Time With First Year Suga-san~

Today was the day I would start at my first day at Karasuno Highschool. The entrance exams didn't seem to be too difficult over all, but maybe that's because I was in a college prep class.

One of the first priorities that had come to mind with enrolling into this school was getting on to the volleyball team. My position was setter, it was what I played in middle school and had become most used to. Not that I was a prodigy with it or anything, but I wasn't bad. At least I knew what I was doing.

No one I knew from my middle school had come to Karasuno, only myself. Meaning I would have to start over again and make new friends. Hopefully the volleyball club would help with that. I'd be able to meet new people with one of the same passions as me...

I had gotten ready for school, waving goodbye to my family as I walked out the door. Being late on the first day would be bad so I had left earlier than I actually needed to. Thankfully it was a nice day, so I was just wearing a short sleeved dress shirt from the schools summer uniform without the gakuran, along with our school's male uniform pants. Although I brought the gakuran with me, along with an umbrella because Japan's weather was unpractical during the rainy season.

The walk to the school wasn't too long, I had been able to make it there in around ten minutes. I could see a lot of new first years walking into the gate entrance of the school, such as myself. They most likely had the same idea as me, trying to get to school earlier than they needed to be. Of course I needed to find my shoe locker, and then my desk.

~ Time Skip ~

I was able to find my seat and sat there until we had started our school assembly for the start of the year. The assembly wasn't interesting but I hadn't expected it to be. Classes had started after we were dismissed, but I was mostly looking forward to handing in a club registration form after school had concluded for the day.

But what I hadn't been paying attention to was the timer on my wrist that I was given when I was born.

Classes had ended after what had felt like an eternity for me. Luckily I had already picked up a club registration form this morning and filled it out when I had free time. So I didn't have to worry about that. I just raised from my seat and began walking to the gym which I found out our practices would be held in, bringing my bag along with me.

The gym was a good size, maybe not as fancy as a school like Shiratorizawa Academy's gym, but good. I began to dig out my form from my bag as I approached the doors of the gym. I looked down at my bag for a moment and suddenly, I had been knocked onto my ass on the cement walkway.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Here I'll help you up, I wasn't looking where I was going." I heard a deeper male voice say. I raised my head but something had caught my eye. Usually I'd cover my timer with an actual watch but it seemed the watch had moved, allowing me to look at my timer.


I felt my heart stop I had realized I heard a light beeping as I had been knocked into the ground. Sitting still for a moment, the unknown man had tried to get my attention.

"Oh you're joining the volleyball club? So am I. Let's have a good year together." He boasted warmly to me.

Finally, I had gathered the courage to look up at the male that had been trying to talk to me. He was beautiful.

He had deep brown eyes, along with the same colour of hair. He seemed more muscular than lots of the people I had met today, and his smile was warming as he held out a hand to me to be pulled off of the ground I had been on. He wasn't too tall, but a little taller than I had been.

Eventually, I had decided to take his hand and he help me up off of the ground. I proceeded to wipe off my uniform and smiled at him. "By the way, I'm Sawamura Daichi." He had commented naturally, not sounding awkward at all. I took a quick look at his wrist and glanced at the timer.


"I'm Sugawara Koushi. I'm sorry to cut this short, but I need to hand in my form."

Daichi had nodded and said goodbye to me, walking back into the school building. As I walked into the gym, I had thought of another thing that might had made things difficult.

"I don't think he noticed that his timer had gone off..."

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