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×Lol it would be cool if you guys listened to the music I tag on here, it goes along with the feeling of the chapter×



Jelani's Point Of View

I read this book when I was kid.

It was about this person that wasn't doing much, just standing there minding their business. Until a mosquito came and started flying around his ear.

Not only was it flying around its ear it was saying things in his ear, annoying the crap out of him. Well, the guy went to smack the mosquito but it simply flew away before he could kill it and ended up smacking his self.

I feel like that guy right now.

I was so close to getting Dayo away from me but she just had to be at the drive in movie. And to make matters worse Dylan introduced his self to them, some friend he is. He's always telling me to make friends at my new school but who has time for that. I have enough friends why do I need more?

"Jelani? Are you doing your work," the art teacher asked.

The assignment was to draw a cat, I hate cats.

"Yes ma'am," I said looking at my blank piece of paper.


The guy I was sitting next to looked at my paper and laughed.

"Dude why'd you lie to her," he asked.

"Why are you talking to me," I asked. He held his hands up in surrender and went back to drawing his ugly cat. I actually knew the guy from the football, and he's a jackass. Not only does he sucks at the sport but he isn't too smart.

I decided to take a nap since I wasn't planning in doing my work any time soon.





"Jelani, wake up," my art teacher said shaking my awake.

"Ugh, what do you want," I groaned.

"The bell rang, your supposed to be at lunch." She said.

I huffed and grabbed my bag. I lifted myself out of my seat and left the art room,  heading for the school exit.

I'm contemplating leaving the school for the rest of the day. I step outside the school and see others students that were also at lunch sitting at tables.

Should I stay or should I go?

I think I'll go.

"Jelani," Dayo called.


I ignored her and started speed walking to my car.

"Hey! I know you hear me," she called her voice getting closer. I give up and turn around to see her frowning at me.

"What do you you want from me?"

Her frown turned to a look of confusion. She doesn't even know what she wants from me.

"How about this, when you find out what you want from me. I'll talk to you but until then stay the fuck away from me," I told her then walked to my car and drove off.

Dayo's Point Of View

What did I want from Jelani?

He's an asshole, so why would I want to be around him and he obviously wants nothing to do with me.

So why did I want to talk to him so badly?

"You alright sis," Dayce asked outside my door.

I've been in my room every since I got home from school, thinking about Jelani.

I just wanted to know why he's so mean to people at our school. I know it has to be deeper than not wanting to replace his old friends.

"I'm fine Dayce, just tell me when dinner is ready."

"Alright Day." He said and I listened to him walk away from my door.

I know why I want to talk to Jelani so badly now.

I think I have a crush on him, just a small one.

"Dayo! Can we please get off the bleachers and do something I'm bored,"Alysia complained.

"I don't feel like playing basketball right now Aly, you can play by yourself," I said. I was kinda down about having feelings for Jelani. He's not the type of guy I usually go for, so why him?

"Dayo, what's wrong? You didn't even change into your gym clothes today," Alysia said.

"I just don't want to play today," I said.

"Okay, whatever you say. But if it's about Jelani, just know I'm down to jump him," she said getting up and running to find a ball. I laughed and looked up to where he usually sits, and there he was. Scrolling in his phone with his earphones in as always.

Should I go talk to him?

I decided to get up and go up there and sit next to him.

He didn't notice me at first but he turned to look at me go a second, then realized who I was and looks again.

"You again," he asked.

"Can you at least act like you like me," I asked.

"Why would I do that? You're annoying, like a fly flying around my head-"

"Okay I get it! But-but can you at least get to know me?"

He looked at me, and I mean  looked at me. Usually he's glaring at me but it feels like he's staring into my soul. His eyes left mines and then scanned my outfit, which was quite revealing. I don't mind showing skin but he made me want to cover up.

When I first went here I always got in trouble for dress code violations but after awhile they gave up and just let me wear what I wanted too. They got tired of calling my parents only to have the same thing happen the next week.

"Your parents let you leave the house dressed like that," he asked.

"My dad doesn't like it, but my mom thinks I should dress myself with whatever makes me happy."

He nodded his head, "Well, I guess we can be friends."


× I hope you like this chapter!!! Also, I'm gonna put all of Dayos outfits and maybe even Jelani's but I don't know yet.×

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