What a small world it is!

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

Today is orientation day which mean my university life start from now onward. I am lucky to have my teammate to study together in the same university with the same course. After registering ourselves, we move the public hall for orientation.

3 of us is separate into different group. I went over to the group I have been assign and notice a girl sitting alone in a corner playing with her phone. I walk over and ask for permission to sit next to her. She look up and nod to me.

After I have sit down, she introduce herself to me and I did the same too. I am expecting some screaming but to my surprise she is so calm that is seems like she does not know who I am. We chit chat for a while until orientation start with those boring speeches.

Half way thru the orientation I receive call from Nana Jie that we have last minute photoshoot need to be done by today. So I excuse myself to attend to the job.

Xiao Kai: We are so lucky to avoid those boring speeches and those fans.

Yuan: Yes I almost fall asleep when they start to talk.

Me: Fans recognize both of you right?

Yuan: Yes, why do you ask?

Me: I met this girl in my group and to my surprise she seems like don't know who I am? Am I not that popular?

Xiao Kai: *pointing outside* Look outside Yi Yang Qian Xi, your face is all over the university! Do you still think you are not popular?

Me: But that girl really look like she do not know me!

Yuan: Maybe she is one of those girls that don't take interest in us?

Xiao Kai: Yes, Yuan right.

We continue to discuss until we reach the photoshoot place. We start to get serious when we get down and we start to change and make up for the photoshoot. While I am resting my phone ring.

Me: Hello mom.

Mom: Qian Xi are you working now?

Me: Yes, but I am resting now. Anything?

Mom: You still remember Uncle Hao Xuan and Aunt Li Ying?

Me: Of course, why?

Mom: They are coming over to Beijing to visit. Do you want to meet them for dinner?

Me: Sure, but mom I might be late.

Mom: Ok, don't be too tired.

Me: Yes I will mom.

After cutting the call I am being call to continue the photoshoot. After around 4 hours of photo shooting we are finally done. I ask the driver to direct fetch me to the restaurant that my family is at. I look at the time and it has already 30 minutes pass the time my mom told me.

I get down from the car and run to the private room that my mom told me. I knock on the door and open it to see my parent, Uncle Hao Xuan, Aunt Li Ying, Nan Nan and a girl in there. I apologize for being late and greet both Uncle Hao Xuan and Aunt Li Ying.

I found there is a girl playing with Nan Nan and I wonder who she is until she held up her head. I was shocked to see her.

Me: Zhi Yang?

The girl look at me and she is shocked and blur when I call her name.

Me: *pointing to myself* Qian Xi.

Xiao Yang: *smile* You are Yi Yang Qian Xi?

Me: Yes, what are you doing here?

Xiao Yang: My parent ask me to be here and you?

Me: My parent ask me to be here as well.

Dad: So Qian Xi, you have met Xiao Yang already?

Me: Yeah, we met this morning during orientation and what a coincident that both of us studying the same course.

Xiao Yang: Yeah, and our parents know each other!

Me: The world is sure small.

Aunt Hui Fen: Since both of you know each other already there is no need to introduce you to each other. Come let's start our dinner.

That night we had a great night chatting with each other. The food is so nice and hearing our parents old story is good as well.

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