I: Flight

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I watched the city beneath me disappear as we soared above the clouds. Flying higher and higher. The plane was silent as a mouse, the only thing heard were the little air conditioners above each seat, and footsteps of the flight attendants that casually walked by every ten minutes to check up on us. I looked over at my sleeping older twin sisters and across the aisle, where my dad was playing on his tablet and my mom was reading with her little light on. It was 1AM, I always hated flying red-eye. Most of the plane had already fallen into deep slumber, but I remained awake. Worrying about my new home, my new life, my new everything. When this plane landed, my whole life would be turned upside down. I thought about my friends back home, my teachers, and my little Pomeranian, Julie, who was no longer mine. I thought about how we were sacrificed everything we've ever loved, and ever had, all for my Dad's new job. I looked over once again at my sisters. We looked pretty much nothing alike, they had beautiful chestnut brown hair unlike my strawberry-blonde, and their eyes were quite a bit more round than mine. But we all had blue eyes, and were all quite tall, so we still looked slightly related. As I peered over my shoulder, I caught my mom looking over at me with tired eyes.
"Aubrey, you should be asleep by now." She groaned. "Riley and Lilly are asleep."
"I'm aware of that Mom, I'll sleep when I'm tired. We still have seven hours until we get there, I'll be alright." I replied. I was growing tired, but I wouldn't sleep yet.
"Alright, fine. But don't sass me young lady." Mom answered, before shutting off her light, pulling up her blanket and turning to face out the window beside her.
I lay back in my chair a bit, and pulled out a journal from my purse. Flipping through it, I found pictures of me and my sisters and of me and my friends back in Florida. Oh how I missed them. I also found little things tucked in, like a friendship bracelet I got from a boy a few years ago, and a letter from my old competitive dance teacher, telling me how proud she was. I opened the book up to a blank lined page, the whiteness of it all was staring me in the face. I looked over at my parents, who were both now asleep, and I let a tear slip down my cheek and hit the page. I just wanted to go home, and everything to go back to the way it was, but I couldn't. Because when this plane landed, Florida wouldn't be home anymore. The thought of leaving home scared me so much, I hated change so bad. Not that there ever was around my house, but I hated when there was. And my whole family was quite excited about the move, except me. My dad was eager to start this new job and have a large and steady income once again, my sisters were really excited to see snow for the first time and learn to ski, and my mom looked forward to a "fresh start" and a "new experience" to meet new people and learn new things and all that. Thinking about everything, I decided to hit pen to paper and write a little entry.

I flicked on my light, stretched out my fingers a bit, and began to write.

"Dear Diary,

I hate this. All of it. I already miss everything to the bitter end, things like spending Christmas at the beach. Like dance competitions, performances and fundraisers. I miss my school and teachers, classes, and how the school always had good wifi. I hope my new school is really nice, and I meet lots of new people and love every second of everyday, and have minimal worries. Right now we're on the plane, but I can't see anything because Riley asked for the middle seat, and Lilly wanted the window so I just took isle. And we only had the middle and isle in the row across, because some other man had already booked the window seat. So wish me luck Diary. It's time to for me to strap myself into this roller coaster called life, because I think it's about to take off.

Love, Aub. Xoxo

And closing my book, I shut off my light and soon felt myself drift into a soft sleep.

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