VI: Zach

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All through Thursday's classes I waited around to either see or hear from Zach. The minutes felt like hours and each period felt like a century. It was brutal.
When I got home, Mom was sitting in her recliner in the living room, reading "What To Expect When You're Expecting" and drinking a cup of decaf coffee.
"Happy November Honey!" Mom exclaimed, closing her book after dog-earring the page. "How was school?"
"It was school." I stated before running off topic. "How far along are you Mom?."
"The doctor said about 16 weeks." She said, peeling herself off the sofa and rolling up the hem on the bottom of her shirt to reveal her stomach. "Look, I'm really beginning to show."
Though it had only been about a week since I was delivered the news, I could definitely see way clearer that mom was having a baby. Her bump was poppin', especially when her shirt was pulled up. I smiled, and walked over to her, placing my hand on the side of her belly.
We shared a moment before I left her reach, and told her I'd be up in my room doing homework, which was half true, but Zach's text would really be all I was thinking about.

Riley and Lilly both weren't home for a change, I even looked up in the attic but they were no where to be found.
A: "Lilly? Riley? Where are you?"
L: "We went for a drive. We'll be home later. Riley left her necklace on her nightstand."
These necklaces were really coming in handy.

As I pulled open my math book, I heard my phone ding. I snatched it into my grasp so fast that I smashed my finger on the desk. Low and behold, it was just a game notification.
"So if I need to factor X2 + 2X - 15. So I'll start by-".... my phone buzzed again. 

Hey Aubrey, it's Zach😊

I let out a little shriek, but put my phone down in an attempt to be cool, and not seem desperate. I put it in my desk drawer and continued math homework.

I lasted about three minutes. I took the phone and stared at the message. It was like receiving an award I had been waiting for.
Aubrey: Hey Zach, what's up?
I was thankful that not even a minute passed before he answered me.
Zach: Well, I was just doing the math homework.
Aubrey: Yeah me too, I just started it.
Zach: Do you know how to do it?
Aubrey: Yeah, mostly
I smiled, waiting for a reply.
Zach: Would it be too forward if I asked to study together tonight?
At that point, I literally screamed, but just quiet enough that mom wouldn't hear. Someone besides Allia wanted to hang out with me, but this was so much more than that. The cutest guy I had ever seen, and the quarterback of the football team, as well as one of the most popular guys in my grade.
Allia: How about the library on 8th at 5PM?
Zach: That sounds fantastic, I'll see you soon.
I wasn't doing my best in Pre-Calculus 11 when I started it in Florida before the move, but the kids here in Edmonton were a something like two units behind, so I had done all of this already. Plus, quadratic equations were one of my favourite units. I stuffed all my textbooks in my bag and slung it over my right shoulder, grabbing a slightly browning banana from the fruit basket. I told my mom I was studying with a friend at the library.
"Is it with Ally from down the street?" She asked, not lifting her head from her book she had returned to.
"Ally-UH, Mom, it's Allia; And no, I'm going with my new friend, uh, Kate."
"Okay, sorry, have fun. Did you want a ride there?" She called as I skipped down the stairs. I paused momentarily.
"I'm good!"
It was only four, but I figured I'd get lost on the way there; and if I didn't, I would just look through the endless beautiful shelves of books for as long as I had.

It turned out, I didn't have a huge problem finding the place. At 4:30, I stood in front of the giant glass paneling and the huge sign that read "Edmonton Public Library". I had been there once already, to register for a library card. It was one of the first things I did, I loved to read.

As I roamed the space, situations flooded my brain. What if I couldn't answer any of his math questions? What if he came on too strong; or even worse, didn't come on at all. Was this even a date, or was I going insane? I guess I just assumed it was.
I chose only one book, knowing I'd have to lug it home with my already ridiculously heavy book bag. The cover art was lame, but the story seemed riveting. A murder mystery; an orphaned girl was killed in the middle of nowhere and the only culprits were the sweet old farmer, the sexy cop or the married foster parents who already have six adopted kids. I was intrigued.
After loaning out the book, I sat at a table of my choice and laid all my study materials out in a structured and organized manner in front of me. My heart was racing in worry that I would be stood up, or severely rejected, or publicly humiliated. Once everything was set, I cracked open my book and took a gander.
"Aubrey" I heard his voice say as I peeked up from my book. "Hey."
"Oh hey" I replied, tucking my bookmark into page 77.
"Look, I'm so sorry I'm late. I got caught up at home with chores, and I just lost track of time.."
"What time is it?" I asked, jamming my new read into my bag, seated on the floor.
"It's just after five thirty." He said, taking the seat beside me. "I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm here now, let's get to work."

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