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And another current age imagine. Same WARNING applies. Smut.

Imagine you're still Ringo's assistant as before and one afternoon, he calls you into his music room; again. You've learned from last time that if he hollers for you from there, it's bloody important. "Yes, Sir? Say you as you enter. He grins and hands you a sheet of paper with his tight, sharp handwriting scrawled over it; some words crossed out and replaced by others. "I wrote a new song." He declares with glee. "I'd like you to read it and tell me what you think." You take the paper and nod, then he speaks up again. "But, I want you to bend over me drumstool and read it aloud while I spank you." Your breath catches in your throat. "How the Hells does he know that?! You think frantically.

The thought is written all over your face because Ringo answers; "I overheard you tell your girlfriend about your kinks, so I decided to run with it." He grasps your wrist and leads you to said drumstool and placing his hand in your back, he gently pushes you down to a bending position; your luscious ass stuck out and vulnerable. Resting your elbows on the back of his stool, you hold the lyrics in your shaking hands as you feel the heat of arousal pooling in your knickers. You flinch a little when you feel his left hand on your ass. He squeezes it gently and says; "One rule: if you muck up, we start all over from the beginning. Understood? You nod. "Yes, Sir." Say you as you begin to read and he deals the first hard slap.

You try to keep your composure and continue reading as the slaps progress and begin to get increasingly more painful. Three quarters of the way through, you feel as if you can't keep from crying out for the sting in your ass cheeks. Each slap seems to ring out louder and fall heavier and you very nearly lose it when he deals a particularly hard one that lurches your body forward, but you manage to keep reading; tears streaming down your face. The very last slap falls harder than the rest as you read the last word, then break down in sobs. "Very good, love." He coos as he steps away and clicks the Stop button on the recorder. Your heart thumps in humiliation once you realize he'd been recording all this. He smiles deviously, holding the small tape aloft. "This might go on the new album." Said he as he stuck it in his pocket.


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