Listen to Your Brain

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A/N: comment your opinion!!

Penny's POV: (22 years old)

Go halfway around the world they said. Get paired up with a stranger they said.

As I climbed out of the taxi, looking like a hot mess from my 16 hour flight, all I want to do is sleep. I drag my rolling suitcase to the lobby and wait in line at the receptionist's desk.

"Hi there. What's your name?" The middle-aged receptionist greeted me with a smile.

I smiled, "Penny Brown."

"Room 202. Floor two 1st on your left."

"Okay thanks!" I turned to leave.

"Oh, and I believe there is a man waiting for you."

I stopped in my tracks and remembered.

Ugh. Kayla.

I trudged to my room.


Room 202

Finally, I made it!

I sighed and used my key card to get in. "Hello, anyone here?"

"Hey there," A man out of view spoke, "I'm guessing you're my roommate I met on that matchmaker website?"
I could here heavy boots sinking into the floor as he walked over to me. I started at his black and purple boots, my eyes slowly making their way up his long legs and torso until I got to his charming face. He swept his hand through his long dark hair and smirked.


Talon's POV:

I couldn't help but blush.
Time to get my charm on!
"Pretty Penny why are you going on a matchmakers trip? You know I was there beside you all along!"
"Err..." she hesitated before firing back a comeback, "well at least I'm trying something! You are the one stuck at your Uncle's house probably until you're 60! And btw, you weren't beside me, we were fighting constantly!" She huffed and walked over to the single queen sized bed.
She sat on it and pouted.
"Penny Penny Penny... always the first to accuse. Well, I don't know about you, but that 16 hour flight sucked. I'm tired. Can I sleep on the bed?"
"Where would I sleep?"
"Uhhhh..... beside me?"

Penny's POV:

My mouth opened in shock before I remembered this was a matchmaker's trip where they pair you with someone you are 99.93% compatible with. How am I compatible with this hunk of m....junk. Hunk of junk. I was supposed to like him. How could I like him? He's a former MAD Agent! Sure, back when my teenage hormones got the best of me I might have liked him a bit. But I still put completing the mission over him. Now, my mission was to acquire feelings for Talon and hope that it's mutual. Well, I don't know if that's gonna happen.
"Penny!" Talon practically shouted, a little embarrassment in his voice.
"What?" I angrily shot back.
"Uhh... you were just staring at my abs... and.... uhhh I've been standing here for 4 minutes... and well... uhh..." He was standing by the TV stand, taking off his grey hoodie. He left his joggers on, thankfully.
"Oh c'mon Talon. I was just thinking about something-"
"Yah, my rock hard abs." He regained his confidence and smirked.
I didn't say anything because truth be told, I didn't want to argue. We have to survive each other for four days and we are just making it worst for the two of us.
"I'm going to bed." He dove under the covers, somehow doing it seductively,and I rolled my eyes.
"Goodnight." I said getting up from the other edge of the bed.
"Awww... you're not gonna stay? Well, goodnight, Pretty Penny!"
I crouched down by my opened suitcase and looked for some pjs.
"Uhhh Tal?"
"...mmmmphhh..ya?.." he rolled over, reaching for the lamp.

The Matchmaker's Trip, A Talenny Mini SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now