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Nicky waits for Dr. Switz to arrive in his office. He rubs a hand over his face and lets out a heavy sigh. The girl he once took in and fell for, not to mention killed for, is now chained up so she won't kill him. The doorbell rings and he stands, Shawn answers the door as Nicky steps out of the hallway. He walks over and greets Dr. Switz, shaking the shorter gentleman's hand.
"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Bryant?" Dr. Switz says
"Well, she's in here," Nicky walks him into the dinning room to see the gangsters in charge of Stella to be looking up at the curtains. Stella is hanging from the ropes of the large curtains, her deranged laughter echoing through the room. Dr. Switz looks at her for a moment then calmly heads towards the door. Nicky follows him and catches him at the door.
"Insane Asylum," the shorter man says
"No--" Nicky says, "I'm not playing Doc, she needs help."
"I'm not either, that's why I suggest sending her to an Insane Asylum." The man starts to grab the door, "your bill will be in the mail by Thursday."
"Who the hell can I get to help her, huh? Sure as hell yous ain't doin any goods." Nicky says angered.
The short man looks down at his dress shoes, his brief case tight in his hand. He looks up at Nicky with a sad expression.
"There is a Psychiatrist that can help her. I can call her and get you an appointment with him, but I don't know what she pays by the hour." Dr. Switz says.
"Thank yous, doc." Nicky says, "what can I's do with her until he comes? I's can't have her swinging from the curtains."
"Mm, yes. I agree. I would get a large cage, like for gorillas, and put her in a closed in area. Someplace she cannot endanger others, or herself." The man says, "good day to you."
Then the Doctor is gone.

The Psychiatrist Dr. Switz had called and set an appointment up for Stella will be at Devilry mansion at 10 o'clock sharp. Dr. Amanda Moon, Dr. Switz had called her. Nicky had done what the doctor had said and had his men clear out the basement just above the sewer and he bought Stella a cage to secure her in. Barbed wire surrounds her cage, for caution if she were to get out of her cage. When they first put her in there, she stripped down and laughed in her deranged tone. She was so loud, you could hear her from the bedroom her and Nicky had once shared. Nicky can hardly sleep with the thought of Stella this crazy and has ordered for her to have somebody watching her 24/7. He set up camera in her cell room so she would be watched from not only in her cell room, but he could watch her in his office.
The doorbell rings, Nicky walks up and opens the door. A blonde woman with her hair pulled back and blue eyes that shines as bright as the sky stands there with a thick briefcase and a white bag with a hospital cross across the front. She pushes her glasses up as they make eye contact.
"Hello," her voice is soft yet intellectual "Mr. Bryant?"
"Yeah, come in, Dr. Moon." Nicky motions for her to come in.
She sets the bags down and extends a hand to Nicky. They shake hands, her soft hands in his rough ones, and they both smile slightly at each other. She clears her throat and pulls a strand of her hair behind her ear in a shy manner. Nicky looks down at his feet, suddenly nervous at the beautiful woman in front of him.
"So, where is our patient?" She says with a shy smile.
"Right this way," Shawn suddenly appears, taking the bags, and leads them down to the basement.
"I heard you didn't want Miss Monet to go to the Asylum, so why--" she is interrupted by crazy laughter, "oh dear."
They walk down to the basement to find Stella hanging from the top of the cage. She fans out her hair and hums a lullaby, laughing crazily when she messes up a note. Dr. Moon nods her head at the mentally ill girl.
"I need to talk to her, face to face." She says, "maybe I can get her to confess some helpful information. Dr. Switz said you wanted to know the cause of her illness."
"I's don't knows if face to face is good, she's been pretty reckless since we found her." Nicky says, lying about finding her. Shawn looks at his younger cousin with a scowl full glare.
"Well, I have some medicine that will help her. You just inject it into her arm or neck and she will calm down. It's better if you inject it into her neck, it works quicker since it's closer to the brain." She says to Nicky, "Now, is she your sister?"
"No, she's Nicky's girl." Shawn says with a smirk, "he sure can pick' em, can he?"
Dr. Moon looks down and then stretches a smile. "Can we please hurry? I would like to help her, and you as well, as quickly as possible."
Five guards point their guns at Stella, her body swings from the bars of the cage.
Dr. Moon looks at Nicky and Shawn with a shocked expression. Shawn smirks and says, "we own a gun store down town. Nothing to worry about, Doc."
She nods and walks up to the cage, too close for comfort, and smiles up at Stella.
"Hello, Miss Monet, my name is Dr. Amanda Moon. I'm a Psychiatrist, that means I help people with mental illnesses, and I am here to help you." She says kindly, "can you tell me what happened to you?"
"Zap!" Stella says with a chuckle, pointing to her head.
"Um...zap? Is that code for something?" She writes down what Stella said.
"Zap, zap!" Stella says.
"Zap, zap? Okay, lets try another method." Dr. Moon stands up straighter, "Stella Monet, what happened to you? Why won't you answer me correctly?"
Stella jumps down and rushes up to the beautiful, young doctor. "I told you. Zap, zap!"
Taken back by the sudden normality from what she saw at first, Dr. Moon nods cautiously. Dr. Moon notices the indentions on her temples, understanding the meaning behind the girl's words. She nods assuringly and pushes her glasses up.
"I'm terribly sorry, I understand what you mean now. Where were you when zap, zap happened?" She says
Stella looks off into space with a serious face, like she vaguely remembers. Suddenly, Stella's fist slam against the cage bars. She turns around and runs a hand through her white striped hair. She's shaking her head, panicking, here eyes wondering around frantically. The look of complete horror overshadows Stella's face.
"No! No. He sent you here, didn't he? He's trying to get you to get me to talk, right?" Stella says frantically.
"Calm down, Miss Monet. Your scaring me." Dr. Moon says to Stella.
"Didn't he?" The young girl screams.
"Yes, but to only help you." She says.
"No! No! He's the devil! Silas said so! He's evil and wicked!" Stella paces in her cell, running a hand through her hair. "No, he's the one who--no, he's wrong, Silas--but Nicky was--"
Dr. Moon walks over to her bag and open a box to reveal a needle with bright pink liquid inside. Shawn nods for the guards to go in. And as they were told so, they go in and hold Stella down, her screams loud and wailful. Nicky covers his eyes in embarrassment. Dr. Moon walks in and puts the needle in Stella's neck, receiving a hiss from the patient. Dr. Moon walks out and has the guards lock Stella's cage up. The beautiful woman walks over to Nicky and Shawn in a hidden glass area.
"What did yous do?" Nicky nods towards the needle.
"The medicine that I said would help her calm down." She explains, "I may know a cause of her insanity, but I don't know if that is the main cause."
"What happened ta her?" Nicky says
"Well, I'm afraid somebody gave her Electrotherapy Torture." She says
"What's, electro-something torture?" Shawn says in a half hearted manner.
"It's a form of torture, they use it for therapeutic purposes in Asylums." She says, "they put two electrical charges at the temple and it's supposed help the blood flow to the brain but it mainly just fries the patients brain. Their trying to get rid of it because it has killed people on the table, and also has did more harm than good."
"So, yous think that's what happened ta her?" Nicky says
"Yes, I do. She is exhibiting some of the symptoms, which are: compulsive behavior, deranged laughter, and hallucinations." She says
"Hallucinations?" Nicky says
"Well, right before I walked out, she was talking to herself as if she were arguing with another person. It wasn't very clear but, she kept mentioning a name, I don't know know if she had made him up, which is a possible case..." Dr. Moon sees their impatient stares, "Silas."
Fear pricks Nicky's heart. Silas. He had something to do with Stella going crazy. He knew it! Nicky will have his revenge, but, for now, his main concern is Stella. She needs to trust him again.
"I'm going to need to sit her down and talk to her more. The medicine should be in affect now. Maybe one of you gentlemen can come with me, maybe she may feel more at ease if one of you are there with her." She suggest, pushing up her glasses.
"Shawn, yous go. She tried ta attack me last time." Nicky says distently, staring at Stella through the hidden glass. She is rocking back and forth, but seems calmer than she has been in the past week.

"Can you tell me what happened to you? Do you remember what had happened to you?" Dr. Moon sits on her legs, Stella sits across from her crisscrossed.
"I-I remember drowning." Stella says distantly, "my skin was burning and I-I couldn't--I can't swim. Then an angel saved me."
"An angel saved you?" Nicky looks at Stella through the hidden glass knowingly, his eyes wide. "What did the angel look like?"
"Dreadlocks," the broken girl says "he had a boyish smile. He was the only real angel out of the rest."
"Out of the rest?" Dr. Moon writes down every word Stella says.
Stella nods with a tear rolling down her cheek. Stella brings her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth. Dr. Moon writes down Stella's words. Shawn stands behind the barbed wire fencing, watching Stella with the utmost satisfaction. He always hated Stella and now she is suffering because of his trickery.
"Hush my little baby, don't say a word, mammas going to kill that mocking bird..."
"Why are you trying to singing a nursery rhyme? Did this angel sing it to you?" Strands of blonde hair fall in Dr. Moon's face, she tugs it behind her ear.
"Hush my little baby," Stella exclaims while holding her knees to her chest, "don't say a word, mammas going to deliver you a machine gun, and if that machine gun won't work..."
"Stella, please...I'm trying to help--" Dr. Moon says before Stella cuts her off.
"Mommas gonna blow your a prison cell!" Stella hollers, her thin body shaking.
Dr. Moon reaches out into the cage for Stella, Nicky and Shawn both begin to panic. The beautiful doctor is way too close to Stella. Shawn rushes over to Dr. Moon and tries to pull her away from the broken girl, but it's too late. Once Dr. Moon's hand brush up against Stella's, her tortured eyes stare straight at her. Her body stops shaking and she stops singing her twisted lullaby.
"Stella," Dr. Moon says "where did you escape from?"
"Silas's castle, where his angels are." Nicky takes a step back, the insanity wavering in her voice makes her sound inhuman. "That's where he zap, zapped me."
Dr. Moon pinches the bridge of her nose but writes down what Stella had said. She takes off her glasses and looks at Stella annoyed. She taps her pencil on her notepad, thinking.
"So, this Silas character zap-zapped you? Am I correct?" Stella nods to Dr. Moon, "Alright. Then why were you in Silas's castle?"
"I was kidnapped..." Stella's eyes flicker up to Shawn, whose been eyeing her the whole time, "You!"
Stella reaches out to grab the dark eyed man but he just walks back behind the hidden glass wall with Nicky. Shawn shakes his head, a slight smirk on his face. Nicky notices but doesn't say a word as his cousin happily watches the broken girl come unhinged.
"Stella. Stella, what about Shawn? What did he do?" Stella grabs the doctors wrist, holding them tightly.
Nicky looks at the guards and says, "Gets her outta there before she starts ta choke her!"
"He's a bad man. A very, very bad man. All Bryant Men are bad. Nicky is the devil. You should call Silas and tell him I'm here." Stella's voice drops to a mere whisper, "Shawn made me go nite-nite."
"Stella, please let go, you are hurting me." Dr. Moon says calmly.
Stella lets her go. Dr. Moon gathers her things and starts toward the door.
"Why don't you believe me?" Stella shouts, making Dr. Moon turn around. "You say your here to help me but you just turn me away! Just like him!"
Dr. Moon hurriedly walks back over to Stella, her notepad in her hand. "Who Stella? Who is him?"
Stella shakes her head and walks to the other side of her cell. She puts her knees to her chest and rocks back and forth. Her deranged lullaby echoes through the basement walls again. Dr. Moon walks toward the door, Nicky catches her before she can leave.
"She need help," Nicky says to the beautiful woman.
"Yes, I am well aware of that." Dr. Moon hands Nicky her medical bag. "Whenever she starts to go into a mental breakdown, just give the medication to her, but don't give her too much. It could numb her into a coma. I will be back on Tuesday, which is three days from now. I will have Dr. Switz come with me to examine her. I believe a lot more happened to her than just electrotherapy torture."
"Okay, thank yous doc." Nicky says annoyed as Dr. Moon walks up the steps.
"Oh, and Mr. Bryant," Dr. Moon stays at the top of the stairs "I'd wrap some old bed sheets to the top of the cage for her swing on. She needs something to do while her brain dysfunctions."
Then the beautiful doctor is gone.

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