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Chapter 20: Romeo


That night, Kuroo laid on the sofa, planning about how he would ask Ai to be his girlfriend tomorrow at the station.

He had saved a generous amount of money from the last five years hiding his Christmas and New Year pocket money and thought about going to Miyagi to ask permission from her family.

He remembered not buying her gifts for her birthday, it was his mother who buys her gifts. He'll make sure he make tomorrow's proposal special.

When he escorts her to Tokyo Station tomorrow he would give her red flowers to match her hair. He already asked Kai, who has a florist neighbor, to gather a bouquet of red flowers and give it to him on the station after he had successfully asked her out.

Not trying to be cocky but Kuroo knew what she had felt towards him. On the past years, he soon learned that he had developed liking the girl but she was so young for Kuroo to ask her out and he was hoping to ask permission from her mother but as soon as he knew her behavior, he changed his thoughts.

The times when she gave him chocolates in Valentines, the way she stick to him during their summer vacation with Kenma, the New Year visits at a shrine, their short meetings at the playground. It was magical.

Corny. Kuroo gagged.

He rolled to his side and shook out the corny thoughts in his head. There's no turning back. Tomorrow, he'll definitely ask her to be his girlfriend.

*I*   a/n : wae?

Ringing the doorbell in the middle of the night wearing his slippers at Tokyo. Iwaizumi couldn't care less if he was in his towel and had driven by himself all the way from Miyagi to Tokyo in the middle of the night.

"Why is this little fucker not waking up?!" He cursed and continued to ring the doorbell on the gate like a madman.

But he stopped when he saw the light on the first floor and the shadow in it had reminded him of a chicken's head.

The door opened and revealed a boy who looked just in his age. "You must be Kuroo Tetsurou?" Iwaizumi gritted in his teeth.

Hinata, who was a neighbor of Ai, told him and Oikawa about the girl's stay at Tokyo personally outside their house, Iwaizumi bombarded the poor kid with questions and was answered by stuttering.

Good thing, Hinata knew this boy from this neighborhood and asked about that Kuroo's address.

The boy was in a shirt and boxers as he sleepily walked to the gate. Boxers! For fuck's sake!

"Yeah. Why are you here in the middle of the night?" He yawned and scratched the back of his head.

"I'm Iwaizumi Hajime. I came to get Ai. Where is she?" This guy infront of him screamed manwhore. That unruly hair made him want to use razor to make this boy's head shiny.

"Ai?" The boy's eyes woke up, hand on the hair dropped and he started to raise his eyebrow and scanned him up and down. "Who are you?"

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