Getting started

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Okay I honestly don't know what i'm going to do with this book or whatever but i just plan on writing and remaking some of my other works in small pieces i guess? i mean i'm just kinda doing whatever comes to mind first.

Ummm my first oneshot thing will probably be an oc in the pjo universe or a short remix of my book; "Hecate's Girl" that has surprisingly has reached 5.1k reads and a fair amount of votes.

So yeah, that will be next chapter but for now I just want to list some ideas I have for books and you guys can give me your thoughts on them.

-Remaking "Hecate's Girl" perhaps but not really wanting to cuz I hate the plot and Nico's gay and is already in a relationship in toa (lmao sorry for spoilers) If i did this it'd probably change a lot from what it originally was so Rosalina would be just friends with Nico

- A klance fiction! Wooo! This would probably be some sort of au, like turning Galra! Keith with comforting Lance, or maybe one where they get lost/stranded somewhere or something along those lines. I'd definitely like to expand my horizons on this account and post some other fandom fanfics!

-Maybe a crossover type of fanfiction? I mean it doesn't really matter what fandoms, but I don't want it to be the classic hp/pjo crossover. I've read enough of those to know that most of these are mary sue's of some sort. No offence of course! I'm just stating my opinion so you keep doing you!

-Maybe some sort of "The Young Elites" au or taking the idea of it but with different characters and plot ideas. An idea for this would be; what if the elites didn't have to give up their power, so if malfeltos are still around and Adelina's reign is still over most of the world, but a few generations later, with malfeltos running wild the story would take place with the queen, the main character with a name that I haven't decided on. But she kinda turns evil like her grandma and starts taking over the rest of the known world //or// she fights off a bunch of rouge malfeltos and eventually becomes a goddess after being a badass heroine.

Okay these are all the current ideas i have, some I like more than others but I'd love to hear feedback from you all! So please comment your thoughts and maybe a couple of ideas to go along with what I have!

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