Pregnant with Anthony's baby

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"Good morning babe"

I woke up to Anthony on top of me leaning in for a kiss and I was about to kiss back but I suddenly felt extremely nauseous. I quickly pushed Anthony off me and ran to the bathroom.

I heard knock on the door followed by Anthony asking "what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I've just been feeling sick for the last couple days but I think it's just food poisoning from that Mexican restaurant we ate at last week."  I answered.

Anthony opened the door and picked me up off the floor and carried me back to bed.

"I hate seeing you like this" he said with a sad face.

"Don't be sad I'm ok just a little nauseous that's all. But I'm actually kind of hungry do you think you could make me some breakfast?" I asked .

"Yeah, I'll be right back. Just call me if you need anything" Anthony said as he ran out of the room and into the kitchen.

As soon as Anthony was out of the room I quickly reached for my phone and called my doctor to make an appointment. Anthony and I have been having unprotected sex because we we're relying on his pull out game and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't pregnant.

"Here's your breakfast eggs, bacon, pancakes, and chocolate milk." Anthony handed me the tray with all the food on it.

"Thanks babe." I answered as I quickly ate my breakfast and got ready for my appointment.

"Where are you going" Anthony asked confused.

"Just going to the pharmacy to get some medicine" I lied.

"Let me get it for you" Anthony said getting up.

"No no it's ok, let me go so I can get some fresh air. I'll be back soon Lov you bye." I said shutting the door before he had time to answer.

I got in the car and drove to the doctors appointment and they ran all the test they had to run and told me they would give me a call later and let me know the results.

I got back in the car and drove to the team 10 house where we were  all going to hang out.

"Hey everyone" I said walking in and started talking to Tessa and Ericka about what was going on.

My phone rang and I went outside to answer the call.


"Hi, this is doctor Grey and I was just calling to let you know about your results for the test you took earlier.....congratulations your pregnant!!!"

"......oh umm....thank you" I answered holding in my tears barely able to talk as I hung up the phone and ran into the bathroom.

I started sobbing on the bathroom floor.
Anthony is doing so well in team 10 he can't have a baby right now...he won't want a baby right now.

Anthony opened the bathroom door.

"Babe what's wrong why are you crying"

"I...I'm ....I'm pregnant I said in between breaths from crying so hard.

Anthony was silent as he reached down and helped me stand up.

"Why are you crying do you not a baby" he questioned.

"Of course I want this baby but it's not only my child it's yours too and I don't know if you want it". I answered.

"Well, I want this baby too" Anthony said smiling as he whipped away my tears.

He placed his hands on my stomach and kissed my forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Anthony then grabbed my hand and we walked out of the bathroom preparing ourselves to tell the rest of the team 10 house.

This was my first story without smut hopefully you guys liked it and If you were hoping for smut then I'm sorry maybe in the next story. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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