-Are you coming home tonight? Xxx-
You sighed as you sent a message to your boyfriend, Zac. He'd gotten home from filming about a week ago and you'd only spent one evening with him. For half the week he'd been home he hadn't even stayed at the house you share together and the other half he'd gotten in when you were already asleep. Having him away for work months at a time sucked but you dealt with it because you loved him and you cherished the time you had together so much more. But the last couple of times Zac had been home he'd spent more time at his friend's. It was starting to get to you.
About a half hour later your phone buzzed. You read Zac's reply and huffed.
-Probably x-
"Probably?!" you mutter. "Seriously?" You threw your phone onto the other side of the couch, not bothering to reply. Turning on the TV, you decided you would wait up for him tonight, no matter how late he got in and confront him.
Slowly you open your eyes, blinking a couple of times and see Zac kneeling next to you.
"What time is it?" you mumble. He chuckled.
"It's almost 11 baby," he responds.
"At night?" sitting up, you look around you.
"No in the morning silly!" he laughs. Dammit, you fell asleep last night. Suddenly you notice that Zac's in the same clothes as yesterday and he's holding his keys. He didn't come home in the end then.
"Are you staying home today?" you ask, hopefully. This was the most you've spoken in the past three days so it had to be a good sign! His face however told you otherwise.
"Uhh..no I just popped back to get some clothes," he mutters, standing up.
"Seriously?" you shout, startling him. Zac looks back at you, surprised and confused. "You've been home for a week and I've seen you once, I get that you wanna see your friends too but you've spent everyday with them?" He was staring at you, mouth agape. You'd never shouted like this before, your arguments never escalated to shouting level.
"I've been home a week and you're mad I've not spent every waking moment with you? I missed my friends too you know," Zac retorts.
"No it's not that at all, it would be nice to spend at least one whole day and night with you. I know you miss your friends, but you have no idea how hard it is to stay here alone when you're off working, your friends have each other but it's just me here! And then you come back and you stay out all day and night," you snap back at him.
"You knew that I'd have to go away to work, why is it an issue now?" he says coolly.
"Oh my God! That is not what I'm saying! My issue is that you've not spent any time with me since you got back. I don't see why you can't split your time equally between me and your friends. It's like you didn't miss me at all!" your voice breaks as you splutter out your last sentence. Taking a step towards you, Zac pulls you into a hug and you sob on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think. Why didn't you say anything before?" he whispers soothingly. You shrug in response. "I'm gonna come home tonight, around 6, okay? And we're gonna go for dinner and see a movie. My treat?" You look up.
"Really?" you ask in surprise.
"Yes (y/n) really," Zac laughs. "Now I have to get my stuff and go, but I'll see you at 6 okay? I promise." You nod, leaning up to kiss him.
After he left, you spent the whole afternoon pampering yourself and getting ready for the date night Zac had promised. By 5 you had changed your outfit about 7 times and were still deliberating between two outfits: a long sleeve white crop top with burgundy jeans or a short green loose dress. You figured you'd wait for his opinion seeing as you weren't sure where you were going yet.
Sitting on the bed in your dressing gown, you played on your phone to pass the time. After what felt like an eternity, 6pm finally arrived.....and passed. And so did 6.30pm and then 7.30pm and then it was 8pm. You were in tears outraged and hurt he'd broken his promise. Flinging his clothes out the suitcase he'd left by the bedroom door, not even unpacked, you replaced it with your clothes. After you squeezed almost half your clothes into the suitcase, you text your friend, (your best friend's name) to see if you could stay at hers tonight and that you'd explain when you got to hers. Your phone pinged and a small part of you hoped it was Zac but it wasn't, it was (y/b/f/n).
-Of course sweet :) hope you're okay xxxx-
As you picked up your purse and dragged your heavy suitcase towards the door, Zac walked in.
"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late, got caught up you know how it is," he said. Looking up he noticed your tear-stained face and the suitcase stood next to you. "Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving," you say matter-of-factly. He steps into the hallway properly, shutting the door and doesn't say anything for a while.
"What do you mean you're leaving? For how long?" he eventually says. "And why?"
"I'm not sure yet and I don't know, Zac, maybe because you promised to take me out tonight but you've come home almost 3 hours late?!" you say between clenched teeth. He stares at you, not used to your reaction and doesn't say anything again. "I'm going now."
Defiantly picking up your suitcase, you head for the door but as you open it, Zac grabs your arm. Turning to look at him you see tears in his eyes, you look at each other for what felt like eternity.
"Please," he whispers. "Don't go." You shake your head sadly and pull your arm from his, continuing on your way out of the door.