A Rival From the Underworld

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*Two weeks later*

Naruto's P.O.V.

Today we went to the markets because of yesterday's food fight. Lets just say that no one got away without some type of food on them. I however didn't get the worst that was Sasuke that got the worst of everyone and man was it funny when he got Sakura with the wipe cream pie, I mean she had it all over her face and then she got mad at me so she threw a pie at me for laughing but who could blame me it was hilarious. Anyways we got all of the food and clothing that we needed and we seen an old friend of mine his name was 'Red Naragama' and he was hot but not as hot as Sasuke. He clearly got on Sasuke's nerves because me and him were close friends  and Red is like a brother to me but we never had that connection like I have with Sasuke. Sasuke gave him the evil eye the whole entire time he was talking to me and I think he was jealous because Red was like a brother to me but he was my rival. Also I forgot to tell them if they were going to live here they would have to give up their human side and said, "What do we have to do," and I told them they would have to become either a tailed beast or a demon and they said that it don't really matter then I said ok and gave them a potion to drink to turn them into tailed beast and I know from watching Fang doing this on other people that this is permanent and they will live the rest of their lives like this but they are willingly let me do this to them oh how bad I felt when I did this to them. Anyway Sasuke turned into a black ninetailed fox with a white diamond on his chest, Sakura turned into a pinkish red eight tailed wolf with a green diamond on her forehead, and last but not least Kakashi- sensei turned into a pure silver eight tailed wolf.

Sasuke's P.O.V.
I don't like Red he was checking Naruto out while she didn't even notice and it pissed me off that he did that while she didn't notice. Shit if I keep giving him the death glare will probably stop but just then Naruto said that they had to go and that was all I needed to hear then I  remember that it was mating season and from what fang told me it was until the beginning of June so that would mean Naruto was still in heat. I then noticed Naruto and me were behind Sakura and Kakashi. So then I grab Naruto's ass and she looked at me with blush and a scowl on her face then I moved my hand higher until I grabbed her tail and then she looked away blushing fiercely and then she turned around and kissed my cheek then walked by Sakura. I realized that I had blush on my face was when we got back to Fang's house when everyone else was talking and putting away groceries Fang asked me if I was feeling ok and I said that I was ok and she said that we would talk later because she was busy right now.

Time skip(for this is later that evening)

Naruto's P.O.V.
I was sitting next to Sasuke and Fang brought out blankets and said we have to share blankets but I have no problem sharing with Sasuke. And I think that they were all tired but not Sasuke he was watching the movie we had in and then one by one they all fell asleep except me and Sasuke. He was still watching the movie until he felt me snuggle up to him. He then moved me onto his lap were I could tell he was getting aroused by me doing this and then he kissed me and rubbed one of my tails making me moan. It then turned into a make out session and we both really wanted each other( a/n: it is the rule to be mated by the age of 13 and Naruto is 13 but Sasuke is 14. Naruto is half a year younger then Sasuke.)

I hope you all enjoyed this part. And keep watch out for my next part of the story to see what happens. That's all for now so see you next time bye.

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