I saw him look at me slightly. Once he caught a glimpse of me, his eyes widened as if he was looking at someone with purple skin. I actually looked down at my hand to make sure it wasn't.
"Uhm." he cleared his throat, "Can I..erm..buy you a..uh..drink?" the perfect creature before me asked, and acted like my response was that I was about to shoot him in the face.
"Oh..uh sure. Yea, I-I guess. Thanks.." I said nervously with a weak smile. I was'nt expecting him to talk to me. He ruffled his blonde hair.
"Can you drink? Like, are you of age?" he asked me. Did I not look his age? "Oh, yea. I'm 19." I explained to him.
"Whats your name, love?" he asked me. I replied with a simple 'Arielle'. "Oh. Niall." he said, referring to him self.
'Where are you from? You don't have an Aussie accent.." I asked him.
"Me hometown's Ireland!" he said with a purposefully distinct Irish accent, making me laugh. So not only is he cute, but he's sweet, and charming, and quirky. I like quirky.
He then abruptly turned to me, inhaled and exhaled deeply, and said "Do you want to do something?" while looking deep into my dark-green eyes. "Uhm." I giggled "Like what?" He stared at me for a few seconds and said "I don't know. Something spontaneous. I feel like I need to know you." he said kind of trailing off and turned to look into nowhere. "Never mind. I...I shouldn't have asked.."
"No! I would love to..." I quickly replied "...but I kind of just went through a hard break-up...well...a few hours ago."
"Oh." he said with a disappointed look on his face.
"BUT we can go out just as friends. For now? I feel like I need to know you, too." I assured him with a warming smile on my lips. At that reply he instantly sprung up, grabbed my hand, and basically dragged me out of the bar. Of course, he kindly tipped the bartender for our drinks right before we left.
We came to his car and kindly opened it to me, like a gentleman, but then stopped me. "Do you trust that I'm not going to abduct and rape you? Are comfortable with getting into my car when you don't even know the destination?"
"Yes, Niall. I trust you. Just promise you won't cut my skin off and wear it to your birthday party!" I joked. (A/N: Anyone catch my Jenna Marbles reference? xP ik im so cool)
At that, Niall stuck out his pinky with the most serious, yet adorable look on his face. I found it especially cute that he used the old "pinky promise". Again, I like quirky. We looked deep into each others eyes as I interlocked my pinky finger with his. I'm not too sure why, but that promise meant a lot me. Just because he seemed so serious. Not only that he wouldn't potentially kill me, but almost as if he was willing to protect me from anyone who might. That's when I knew that this little, "spontaneous" journey was going to last.
"Great. Jump in" the Irish boy said with a smirk. I slid into the passenger seat of Niall's car.
"Nice car, by the way!" I commented on his red Porsche. He replied with a 'thanks' and we started driving.
"So," Niall said after a short silence. "Tell me about yourself. What's your family like?"
"Well," I said, a bit unsure how I should answer that. Well I knew how, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to. "My dad died in war about 4 years ago. It's been really hard on my mom and sister and I. My sister is 14. She was only 10 when he died. We really miss him." I trailed off. It felt good to let that out. I felt really close with Niall at that moment. Like I've known him forever, not just an hour. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't really know how to respond. After a few seconds, he said "I'm really sorry to hear that. I can't imagine the pain you must've felt." he said, and I could tell he meant it. "What's your sister's name?" he changed the subject.
"Kendal" I replied. "So where exactly are we going at 4:30 in the morning? I'm guessing we'll be pulling an all-nighter."
"You'll see!"
CLIFFHANGER!! :D I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. IT HAS BEEN A WEEK BECAUSE NO ONE COMMENTS. THE MORE COMMENTS I GET THE FASTER I POST. BTW i have a new twitter user name and it is @Larry1Dxox_ so if you dont want to comment then definitely tweet me(: if i still get no comments/tweets then i will post again NEXT thursday. Thanks, loves!
~Tayxo1D .~*

Too Cliche and Incredibly Perfect ~ One Direction
FanfictionArielle Marcelin, age 19, from Melbourne, Australia. After she is crushed, someone else picks her up. And then another boy has her falling. Who ends up being the one who catches her?