A/N: OMG I AM SO SO SO SO SORRY (especially to Bri) THAT I HAVENT POSTED IN FOREVER. I got grounded for a low test grade and it was just complicated. To make it up to you, the next chapter is going to be super long and intense(: Enjoy chapter six!
Chapter Six:
I grabbed my bag and hurried to one of the bedrooms. "What are you doing?" I heard someone say. I think it was Liam.
"I'm gonna draw in here!" I called back. It would be a lot easier if I was at least alone.
"Can you draw a bison? Bisons are chill! My last name is actually Bison!" someone else said. Umm....yea I don't know.
"Yes babe, bisons are very chill now hush about your bison addiction." I heard a cool, calm voice say. It was definitely Zayn's, so Brianna must be the one who wanted me to draw a bison. Brianna Bison. Odd girl she is.
"Oh, I don't know about a bison. I might be a while so.. don't wait up!" I said back to her. I took out a finely sharpened pencil and pressed it against the paper, but I couldn't draw a line. My mind was totally blocked. I couldn't think of anything. This is probably the first time I had artist's block. I closed my eyes and thought about my past works. I immediately thought of my father and started to tear up. This is why I don't like drawing in front of people. It doesn't always happen, but when it occasionally does, I don't like the attention or sympathy. I kept thinking of my dad and let the water fall from my eyes. Although I was sad, the memories relaxed me. Without even thinking, my pencil glided over the paper. I was lost in my own world, unaware of people knocking on the door telling me to hurry up. I picked up another color and subconsciously drew more lines. I didn't know where I was, who I was with, what I was doing and none of that mattered. I was mixed up in my emotions and was suddenly thinking about this potential love triangle. Who do I like? Zayn is so cool and calm and pretty damn hot. Niall I know a little better and is just as cute. He is so sweet and we just connected yesterday. I felt like the whole world was spinning around me. The only thing there was my paper, pencil, and me. I couldn't think totally straight about anything. I didn't have a care in the world. I had no idea how long it took before I finished, but after all of that, I snapped out of it. I looked at the piece of paper in front of me and I couldn't believe my eyes.
Half of the paper was Niall. The other half Zayn.
"Oh no." involentarily said aloud.
"Is everything okay in there?" I heard someone say. She sounded younger. Nevermind, it was Louis. (A/N: BAHAHA I HAD TO)
"Oh, um, yeah. I...finished?" I replied, in more of a question form. They could not see this!
"Well can we see it, love?" Harry said through the door. No way in hell is ANYONE seeing this. Except maybe Brooklynne. Maybe. I thought. This was bad. If I showed anyone, I would be so humiliated!
"Um, well, I don't want to show you. Its not, um, good..." I made an excuse. It was actually a great drawing
"Oh, I'm sure its lovely! Please show us!" Niall said in his adorable Irish accent.
"Oh, I don't know. Its pretty bad..." I'm really bad at lying....
"Pleeaase?! We won't laugh and I'm sure it's fantastic!" I heard Leanne say. I really just didn't want to do this, but I obviously couldn't stay in here forever. If I came out, someone, probably Harry, would take it and show everyone to be annoying. Maybe I could just explain that I didn't really have any control over it? Zayn would probably figure out I like him and everything would just get really awkward between everyone. It's not like I have any other choice.

Too Cliche and Incredibly Perfect ~ One Direction
FanficArielle Marcelin, age 19, from Melbourne, Australia. After she is crushed, someone else picks her up. And then another boy has her falling. Who ends up being the one who catches her?