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"No. I won't marry you." Seth's contented smirk fell from his face, faster than lightning. "What do you mean you won't?" He growled, dangerously. Kali drew herself up, defiantly, "I believe that Alesea is innocent. I will not give you control over my kingdom just to condemn a blameless woman." Seth scowled at the Queen but said nothing. "I demand that you release her, or give her a fair trial." The King ground his teeth. "She will be put to trial by the laws of Awendela for the attempted assassination of the King. But she will remain here until condemned or acquitted." Kali nodded, she knew she held no influence over how the king would make his decisions anymore, so there was nothing left to do. The Queen turned on her heel, and marched out of the throne room, towards her carriage. The King did nothing to stop her, as he watched the doors close on Kali, leaving him with his half-sister.

Slowly, Seth rose from his throne, as a venomous snake might rise when summoned by a charmer, and slithered towards Alesea. The girl had not moved since Kali had announced her refusal to marry Seth; but in her mind, she was shouting, celebrating. Kali believed her; she was trusted. The woman she loved was not going to marry the despicable King. Even through the pain, though the outcome of her trial looked black, she knew that she was loved. Her triumphant thoughts were interrupted by a sharp blow to her back. Seth had kicked her, and she was sent sprawling forward. She cringed, ready for another hit, but none came. Instead, Seth spoke in a quiet voice, that seemed magnified in the cavernous space. "Let her go." A wave of shock washed over Alesea, confused, she raised her head to find herself looking directly into Seth's face, he had crouched down next to her, and almost gently, he spoke to her, "You're free to chase her if you think it's right. Leave and you are banished, never return. Stay, and you will be put to trial." Confused, the girl croaked "Why?"

"I want you to watch. Follow your Queen. She has made the wrong choice." Alesea felt the chains being unlocked from her wrists and ankles. Seth smiled knowingly, straightened up and began to walk out of the throne room, his footsteps echoing, and the crash of a slamming door reverberated as the King left the room.

For a moment, Alesea closed her eyes. She was exhausted, aching, and she didn't know if she could move. But Kali believed her. Perhaps she'd be forgiven if she could just get to Colby... She remembered what she'd told Kali after they had first kissed. I can't- won't leave you. Not now, not ever. A tiny flame seemed to spark to life inside of her. It gave her energy, desperate, feeble energy, but enough, certainly enough. Shakily, Alesea pushed herself to her feet and staggered towards the door. Thinking that she might be able to catch Kali before she left, and share her carriage, Alesea began to move towards the castle's entrance. Pushing open the heavy door, she arrived just in time to watch the carriage passing through the castle gates. Alesea groaned, riding fast enough to catch up with Kali would be exhausting.

The feeble mid-day sun hung over Alesea as she untied a fast horse, and left Awendela for the last time. Alesea felt very little sadness over her banishment, Awendela had never really been her home, and now her home was wherever Kali was. Alesea rode as fast as she could, trying her best to ignore the pain of her injuries, so instead turned her mind to her escape. Why had Seth let her go? He'd already demonstrated that he didn't care about hurting her, and there would've only been one outcome of her trial- the traditional judge of all serious crimes in Awendela city was the monarch. Her death would've been easy for him, so why let her go. He'd said that he wanted her to watch. Watch what? It didn't make sense.

Soon, the forest began to clear, the jagged rocks and dirt tracks of Colby stretched before Alesea. She rode swiftly down the tracks, she knew now that she wasn't far from Colby castle. The closer she rode, the quieter the streets seemed to become. The small towns that had sprung up along the road were almost empty, and as she came within sight of the castle, she realised that she hadn't seen a single person in either of the past two settlements. Drawing closer, the reason for the absence of so many became clear; there was a huge crowd congregated at the gates of Colby castle. Alesea spurred her horse forward, wondering what the reason of this was, and even past the whipping wind, she could hear shouting, growing louder like an approaching storm. Nearly in the center of the massive crowd, Alesea could see Kali's carriage, the crowd seemed to be banging on it, shouting at it, pushing and shoving it. Suddenly, the mood of the crowd seemed to hit Alesea as if cold water had been poured on her. They were livid. Angry shouts were being hurled at the carriage, people were screaming gutturally as if they had no words left to express their rage. Some were carrying makeshift weapons, fish knives, pokers, rakes, and pickaxes were a few that Alesea could see. She could make out some of the shouts over the roar of noise, things like "Tyrant!" "You're as bad as a murderer!" "Get her!" "Give me her head!" Panic flooded Alesea as she realised that the crowd intended to kill Kali, and there were certainly enough of them to do so.

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