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I watched with intent as the stiff posture of the dark figure of the man stood unfazed by the cold winds that filled the ambience. His gaze trained solely forward, as if daring the night to freeze him. His tall frame standing on the deck, staring away the night with his cold gaze. In the soft blows of winds, his tailcoat wavered and as did his hair. Calm filled the atmosphere as we moved further toward the slowly fading sun. The clashing sound of the waves, somehow filled the evening with peace. I smiled as I went toward the dark figure.

'Mr Ambrose!' I chirped as I drew close to him. My sudden voice swallowing the peace that engulfed us.


He did not turn around nor did he move an inch, impervious to my presence.

'Mr Ambrose!' I whined. I was determined to encapture his attention no matter what it takes.

I gathered there was no point in speaking to him like a sane person would for he belonged to a totally different universe. Somewhere where people did not speak and took pleasure in being tyrants. And well...where people looked like utter perfections made alive out of stone sculptures.

Unfortunately for him I knew a perfect way to melt such stones out of my fire.

I reached the deck and I stood right beside him, very discreetly. Though with the perfection of his eyes and ears, and well everything about him, (let's not go there) I doubt he wouldn't have noticed me.

But that didn't bother me.

Because I made my presence known to him as I gently placed my hand over his that was placed over the banister. It made me feel warm as if my hand was heated with the soothing rays of the morning sun. But no, this was no morning sun. This was Rikkard Ambrose who had as much warmth inside him as a possibility of seeing a sun in the night sky.

Slowly, lingeringly I caressed his hand with my own, stroking my fingers over his long calloused ones. I gave myself a victory point when I saw his little finger twitch. But still, he stayed stiff as a rod as if challenging me. Well, I was not the one to turn down challenges.

Slowly, my hand slid up his arm, in a light teasing touch. I felt his skin heat up as I did though his face did little to show it. Soon my hand met with the barrier of his sleeve but my determination was stronger than a damn clothing! I moved my hand up a bit through the cloth, moving it slowly up his hand, toward the expanse of his broad shoulders. At this point, I saw a muscle of his jaw twitch and his eyes close but my unrelenting hand moved on until they reached his neck, caressing the heated skin. His hands almost tightened in a fist as he suddenly opened his eyes and swiftly turned toward me, making my hand fall limply on the side.

His cold gaze burned into me. Was it possible to feel hot all over with an arctic gaze? With the way he was looking into me, it very much was. His sea blue orbs slowly drifted from my eyes to my body, him instinctively noting something.

'Mr Linton, what are you wearing?' he asked as his hard stare darted back to my eyes.

'An article made of fabric used to cover body for warmth or modesty. In short clothes Sir.' I gave him a cheeky grin. I saw his little finger twitch.

'I had observed that much, Mr Linton. I wanted to know why have you worn a woman's clothes?'

'Because I am a woman, Sir...?' I said in a tone that one would explain a retarded fool one plus one is two. Oh, how I love to vex him!

'I don't pay you to holler my name around in a woman's clothing, Mr Linton! Get changed!' His gaze swept across my figure, straying around my body, lighting a thousand lights inside me in the process. His cold eyes flickered for a second taking in the very feminine form of me and then retreated back to previous position like my presence was impervious to him. But I knew better. From the corner of my eyes I could see his little finger twitching.

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