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Her eyes opened slowly, her vision a little hazy and her head pounding.

The first thing she saw when she woke up was a man - on top of her - his face plagued with worry until he noticed her eyelids wobbling a little, showing that she was waking up.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, his voice small and concentrated, like he never really spoke much.

Y/N nodded slightly, the pain in her head preventing her from doing more than that.

The man sighed in relief, climbing off of her and sitting down next to her. "I'm glad; if I'd arrived just a second later, God knows what would've happened to you."

Y/N sat up slowly, placing her elbows on the hard tarmac underneath her as a way to hoist herself up.

"What happened?" She asked groggily.

"You don't remember?" The man asked, turning his head to look at her, chocolate brown hair swishing to one side of his face as he did so.

It was then that Y/N was able to get a good look at the man's face - and by God, was he beautiful.

Light skin painted by the perfect combination of tan and natural beauty, dark brown eyes so tranquil, one could get lost in them.

"That car over there came out of nowhere," he pointed to a lamppost, where said car was now in a crumpled heap against it. "I saw you crossing the road at the time and stepped in to help."

Y/N turned to look at the car, and how demolished it looked. She imagined her body being sandwiched between the lamppost and the car, and she shuddered.

Turning back to look at the man, he smiled warmly, and Y/N felt her stomach flip.

"Thank you," she whispered, and the man shook his head.

"No problem," he replied, and the two of them fell silent for a moment before he spoke up again. "So, what's your name?"

"L/N," she answered quietly. "Y/N L/N. You?"

"Seokjin," he answered proudly. "Kim Seokjin."

Y/N tried to think of something to say; she couldn't just nod and leave. She felt like she owed something to Seokjin. He did just save her life, after all.

But luckily, the hustle and bustle of locals leaving their houses peaked both young adults' interests, and as civilians being piling around the two, asking if they were ok, Y/N started to feel a bit dizzy.

The sudden attention and noise surrounding her was enough to cause her headache to increase considerably, and by the time Seokjin had briefly explained what had happened, she was collapsed on the ground, the sound of Seok calling her name desperately being the last thing she heard before she blacked out.


word count: 435

i write on both my phone and the computer and both say the amount of words is different i'm so confused--

{completed} awake 》kim seokjinWhere stories live. Discover now