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"It's Jin-hyung, he's in hospital."

The words rang in Y/N's brain, ricocheting off the walls of her mind and flying back to knock her down to size.

"Y/N? Is everything ok?" Nate asked quietly from across the table, noticing the girl's face suddenly turn pale as tears dotted the corners of her wide eyes.

"What happened?" She asked urgently, clutching the phone with both trembling hands. "Yoongi, what happened to him?"

"He tried to kill himself," Yoongi answered bluntly, but Y/N could still hear how hard this was for him. "He overdosed on painkillers last night. We came home last night and just found him laying on the bathroom floor next to an empty packet."

Y/N made a sound that was a cross between a whimper and a quiet cry, covering her mouth with her hand at the explanation Yoongi had given her.

How could she miss so much?

She had always thought Seokjin was a happy, responsible man - but finding out he tried to kill himself? What could've driven him to do something so reckless and above all, why didn't he tell her?

"I'll be there in five minutes," she stated abruptly, hanging up and getting up out of the booth immediately, rushing to take her apron off and put her jacket on.

"Y/N, what happened?" Nate asked, trying to get the girl's attention but to no avail. Standing up in front of her, he grabbed her shoulders firmly, halting all  Y/N's movements and forcing her to look at him. "Slow down for a second and tell me what happened."

"Seokjin's in the hospital," she gasped, the first few tears from her eyes beginning to fall down her face. "I need to get there, Nate, I need to-"

"Y/N, calm down, ok - I'll take you," Nate cut her off softly, grabbing her hand in his and tugging her towards the door. "Ami, we have an emergency, we'll be back in an hour!"

Nate didn't even wait for an answer before he was unlocking his car, letting Y/N get into the passenger's seat while he climbed into the driver's.

He could've sworn he'd never driven so fast in his life but the two made it to the hospital in no time, and Y/N  was running inside before he had even gotten out of the car.

She asked for 'Kim Seokjin' at the reception desk and said she was a close friend of the man, and the nurse directed them to his room.

Everything that happened between then and actually getting to the room was a blur but when they did arrive at Seokjin's room, Y/N was surprised to see the other six males sitting and standing in the waiting area outside.

"Y/N..." Jimin said, being the first one to notice the girl.

The other five all looked up upon hearing the girl's name and Hoseok managed to give her a sad sort of smile as Taehyung pulled her into a hug.

For the first time since she'd received the phone call from Yoongi, Y/N cried.

She sobbed so loudly that the people walking past them even stopped and asked Namjoon if she was ok, which he lied and said she was fine.

Once she had managed to calm down, Y/N let go of Taehyung and rubbed her eyes with the sleeves of her waitress uniform - which consisted of a white button down shirt and black miniskirt with thigh high black socks - looking up at Taehyung who smiled reassuringly.

"Do you know what happened to him? Why he tried to...kill himself?" She asked, nearly choking on her words.

She hated the phrase 'kill yourself'. It was malicious, and Y/N wanted to know who was the cause of this and hurt them, badly.

"The police are in there right now talking to him, so he's ok," Namjoon started out by reassuring Y/N. "But we haven't seen him since he woke up, so we don't know."

Y/N nodded in response, letting out a shaky breath as he head turned in the direction of the door that stood between her and Seokjin.

"We know what you're thinking, Y/N," Yoongi spoke up, and all heads turned in his direction. "If anything, we should be feeling the worst - we've known him for seven years and still had no idea what was going on. So don't blame yourself."

Y/N nodded again, and Nate wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side and rubbing her arm up and down.

The eight of them waited in silence for another agonising few minutes until the door opened and two scary looking police officers came out.

They looked down at Y/N, shooting her small smiles before turning to look at the other six members, who all had desperate looks on their faces.

"It's probably best if he tells you what happened, it would sound artificial coming from us," the first officer spoke, his chest puffed out like he was important.

"But he's ok from what we can tell, promised he wouldn't do anything like that again," the second officer concluded, and the others sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much, officers," Namjoon said, and the six members all bowed down to show their gratitude, followed by Y/N and Nate once they'd realised what was going on.

Once the officers left, Y/N continued staring at the door, biting her lip in anxiety.

"Y/N, you should go in first," Jimin suggested, and Y/N gave him a look that said 'are you sure?' to which Jimin nodded at. "He'd be happier to see you since he sees us everyday."

Y/N nodded and broke away from Nate, wiping her sweaty hands on her miniskirt and looking up at her co-worker.

"You need me to stay?" He asked like he already knew that was what Y/N was worried about.

Y/N nodded feebly and Nate smiled, backing up against the wall as his way of showing he wasn't going anywhere.

Puffing out another deep breath, Y/N turned to the door and pushed the thing open, the wood seeming much more heavier now that her arms were shaking.

Seokjin's head immediately turned when he heard the door open, and he smiled softly when he saw Y/N standing there.

Y/N, on the other hand, cried.


word count: 1004

jin is ok, of course i wouldn't kill him - who do you think i am, plisetskytrash??


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