Chapter 17

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Meet me on Sunday, 4am, same cafe that Cuevas met you at. You need to know more about Vitiate, the Council, and myself.

~ Davyn Kilian

Sora was first surprised he knew about where her and Cuevas met but decided it wasn't as important as knowing more about the Council, Vitiate, and him, it was odd to her that he put that, though. She put the note in the book she was reading so her Master didn't see it. He'd gone back to his desk and started to write something. 

She got up and just walked around the office to let her legs stretch out. The bandages were gone but she could still see the small marks healing up. She felt a lot better being able to get up and walk around but she didn't feel like she could do everything, she did, however, feel like she was overloaded with imperium, probably a side effect of the medication. 

"Master Vitiate, where are the clothes I wore the other night?" He shook his head as to say he got rid of them. He got up and handed her a bag that had clothes of hers, a couple other books, and her combat gloves. He then went into the room she'd never noticed before that morning so she had privacy. She quickly changed and cleaned up the area she occupied for almost two nights. She glanced at the clock to check the time, eleven in the morning, and then left.

She slipped out into the hall where few people were. She then went to her room, and decided to take a shower. Two days without a shower was considered disgusting for her. She took a long, hot shower, when she came out Lily was awake. Sora, at first, was worried she woke up Lily but Lily assured her she woke up to an alarm which Sora hadn't heard over the rushing water. 

Lily and her walked to lunch together while Lily kept on questioning where she'd been. Sora told her she had just been up late practicing and studying and would occasionally fall asleep in the library. Lily didn't believe her, probably because Sora didn't look well. When they got there, Sora was still hungry even though she'd just ate. 

She decided to sit with Lily and her friends. They asked her questions but for the most part she didn't answer any of them mainly because they were ones asking about who she was learning with, why she got put out of normal schedule, and so forth.

Lily tried to steer the conversation elsewhere only to have it be brought up again and again. Sora gave up and told them they just wanted to challenge her more. That then made them ask more questions, Sora got tired of it, got up, and walked away. She went to sit next to Taniya who wouldn't bombard her with questions. Taniya looked half asleep. "What happened to you?" She asked, the minute Sora sat down. "Oh, thanks, such a great friend you are." She said in a laughing matter. 

"I just worked myself a bit too hard, I'm fine though." She simply answered. Taniya started talking to her about how she sparred Jeff. "He actually got me at first, but, like what he did with Counselor Vitiate, he pulled his trump card out too early, I freezed it, when he sent water around him, I put an ice cage around him with the water still in it. Of course I broke it once it was after about twenty seconds. He gave up, probably because he didn't want a taste of his own medicine again." She said proudly. Sora congratulated her. 

Sora was thinking of people she should spar next when a boy came and sat next to Taniya on her right side. Taniya looked over at him and smiled, Sora had never seen him in the classes she had with the Adepts. The way Taniya looked at him suggested they were dating or close to. Sora raised her eyebrows and Taniya said "Oh, right! I completely forgot! 

She got everyone's attention at the table and said "Everyone, Kamren and I are officially dating." She said with a huge smile on her face. Sora was happy for Taniya and told her so but she hoped Kamren doesn't end up hurting her friend's feelings otherwise she might actually lose her calm mind.

After the big announcement and everyone settled down, Sora decided to go and get her strength back. She left the room, quickly stopped by her room to grab her gloves, changed into a better outfit, and left. She decided the lounge was better, no one was there surprisingly which was a plus, not to mention they had punching bags there. 

She started off with simpler things with just punching, then decided to test her legs, she sent a sidekick in the bag's direction, it felt like something had broke in her leg. she cursed out loud, thankfully no one was there. She checked her leg but everything seemed fine, she decided to bite back the pain and continue to do it. 

After about an hour of agony it got better. Sora was able to start doing combos, another few hours past of sweat, loss of energy, and soreness. It was around five when Uriah came in and asked for another spar. She looked at herself then looked at him like he was crazy, "Do I look spar ready?" She laughed at the end so she didn't come off harsh. "I think you look decent enough to fight poor, weak me, Sora." She shook her head. "Maybe in a week or two." She said.

"What'd you do to yourself?" He asked curiously. She acted like she hadn't heard him and kept punching the bag. Thankfully she had on pants so it covered up what's left of her injuries. They were slowly healing thankfully and as she kept kicking the bag it seemed to hurt less, for the time being. He dropped the matter after he whispered, "Miss Mystery." 

He left soon after without a word. Sora sighed after he left. She didn't dislike him but he did try to pry which sometimes aggravated her but overall he did come off like he cared and it sometimes seemed like he wanted to help her get better. The last time he asked she had been planning on sparring Taniya to help Sora practice and because she wanted to hang out with her friend. Today he came while she was trying to get some strength back. 

By the time it hit seven she decided she'd worked herself enough. She went back to her room and started to read through some history books and read some more on Umbras, Imperium, and Imperium tricks. She thought she learned most of them but it turned out she still had a few more left to add to her arsenal. One of them being Imperium clones, another being like a sort of detection that could detect poisons, injuries, and so forth. 

She decided she'd sleep and regenerate some energy before she attempted anything. She fell asleep fairly quickly, when she woke up it was four in the morning. She panicked, ran out of bed, threw on pants, a sweater, and shoes. Grabbed a hair tie, and teleported to the cafe in the middle of putting her hair into a messy bun.

Kilian was by the fire, sipping coffee, she'd tripped on the rug but was able to regain her balance quickly. It was Kilian's turn to laugh at her. Her hair was a bit messy but it wasn't to the point where it was dreadful but she still put it in a messy bun so it was out of the way. "Alright, alright, quit your laughing. Karma is horrible." She laughed a little at the end. "Anyways...good morning." She yawned between anyways and good. He passed her a cup of coffee. She sipped it with nothing but coffee, no sugar, milk, etc. "Why'd you want to meet at this hour? Couldn't have been one in the morning when I'd still be awake?" 

He looked at her like she shouldn't be up that late. She shrugged at it trying to say "Can't help it." He took a large sip of his coffee then spoke. "For one, it's actually quite nice at this hour. For two, it's a good start to the day." 

"You get up at this hour?" She asked, amused he get's up this early. He nodded. "You're crazy." He shrugged, not denying it. "Master Vitiate plans on teaching me how to use my Umbras at the same time." She said excitedly. "We think it might be a way to bypass the Umbra Attacks." Kilian seemed surprised at first then said: "It's a good idea, I hope it works out for your sake, it can't be fun to have to deal with these attacks. If it doesn't, you'll at least have a very powerful skill to use." She nodded.

"How is your recovery so far anyway?" He asked sympathetically. She looked down, the conversation losing it's cheerful vibe. "I had about two days of dazing in and out of sleep. Like I said in my message, Master Vitiate doesn't deserve this. All we were doing was practicing late at night and after I beat him and we were about to head happened. He doesn't deserve it." She took a deep breath. "After I woke up yesterday the Darkness finally left my body and I could start the healing process, I started training again yesterday to get my strength back. I probably shouldn't have started up so quickly but I want to get back to normal as quickly as possible."

Kilian felt horrible for her and it was written all over his face. Kilian decided to tell her what he was planning on telling her.

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