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Gardenias, hyacinths, roses, tulips, marigolds
flowers pointing their beautiful faces up to the sunlight,

shaking off the dew and the night,

Daisies, hollyhocks, lilacs, chrysanthemums,

bright colors, shades of the rainbow,
bits of perfection in the nature surrounding us

And there, peer down, closer, closer,
lift the petals-- carefully, and there I am

amongst the dirt, the rocks and roots,

I am there, a special name for me is made


An invader, a parasite, a squatter

I am a flower, but I have a birth deformity
I am not colorful, I am green like the stems of

those I wish to be

I watch my friends get murdered for there beauty
but I am ugly, no one murders me, I am

hidden, they can't get me

I am all alone, no more flowers

surround me, my ugliness saved me

from being murdered

Beauty is murdered to try and make

the ugly and dark world brighter
nobody picks the common

because there is already enough
of that, but the common in a garden
is what truly makes it beautiful

When all the flowers are gone,
I am the only thing left, and

there is finally room for me to grow

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