History 4

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Akishna POV

The calloused hands clutched my face and I knew it was him, king of the Kushans, the shrewdest and most dreaded of them all. He was said to have killed over five hundred man in the battle of Kanatika. Was I scared? NO.

Ok maybe. 

He conquered them within three hours and thus increased the landmass of his kingdom three folds. It is rumored that he doesn't know what love is and is sexually stimulated by the pain and humiliation of his enemies.

True or not, I am about to find out. A stinging slap to my face brought my thoughts back to the present, the hot wave of pain radiated and rippled continuously on my smooth skin, now pink from its abuse.

I can't remember the last time I was slapped and to say I was immune to the effects was a lie, the emotions of being helpless, lonely, powerless and at the hands of a monster finally kicked in and tears flowed freely from my eyes.

My emotions ranged, I never showed any form of weakness before and here I am in front of a 6' 3" giant, sobbing from a single slap.

"From today you will be my slave, you will work for your boarding and maintenance. I will teach you to be humble, to be the commoner. You will not be permitted any jewellery." He boomed as he yanked my royal standard from my neck and give it to the maid in attendance.

He continued to squeeze my face as he spoke in his authoritative tone that send shivers down my spine. His voice played with my nerves like an renowned violin player plucking his strings to a sweet melody

"You will be in your rightful place, beneath a Kushan's feet you pretentious bitch." he spat vehemently, I was struck by his hatred for me.

"Not only will you pay for your sins but those of your father and your clan."

Both of us were connected by one great-grandfather who bore two sons: Kushan and Panchala whom each had one son . So we were technically cousins. I have heard of the sins he speak of including mass rape and pillage of kushans kingdom.

Before I was conceived, the Great War took place between my father and his father which resulted in the death of over a million souls. After pain and loss on both sides our family decide to hold a ceasefire which has lasted until now.

As distant relatives I remember the huge family get togethers at our par aja (great grandfather's) palace. It was usually very divided between the different factions of family. I used to taunt him when we were younger and I vaguely remembered my brothers beating him up after he had punched me. To be honest he deserved it, no one dared to mess with the Panchalas and get away with it.

I didn't even recognize him as he is so handsome, he fitted his leather uniform well, his muscles fighting to escape the tightness.  I coyly reexamined his face taking my time trying not to be obvious,  not only was his jaw chiseled but the long scar on his face highlighted his luscious lashes that veils his mysterious dark eyes.

I could see them now filled with anger, directed at me of course and at that point I made a vow to myself, I will never apologize for being a Panchal , I'll never apologize for the various atrocities committed in the past, furthermore who is he to judge? He is doing the exact same thing to my people,  that which he hates me for. So fuck him and his Kushan ass.

I will smile and laugh every time he talks, every time he throws a snide remark, make reference to my clan, I will look past it. I think he's that type of person that would allow my behavior to bother him.

Being a ruler of a poor wasteland, I assume it was hard and he needed to be strict. It is no secret that half of the Kushan kingdom is desert, sand land devoid of any life. Dry like his personality, like my sex life!

"My people have only defended themselves against barbarians like you. We have fought wars to protect our way of life and sustain our traditions!" I barked, he looked shocked at my bold outburst.

"What traditions do you talk about? We share the same beliefs and traditions you insolent pig, your family has fought mine because you are greedy, you think we are easy prey because we lack the wealth and the vast army it pays for . Our people do not need to be bought, they fight because they love their country." He replied earnestly.

The thought of him thinking that we bought our army sicken me. Our people were loyal as his, our kystriaysas (warrior class) fought for their freedom without having to be paid when they were called to war. Every boy and even some girls, the ones unafraid, are trained from young in the art of warfare, killing was a duty for the kystriaysas.

" You sicken me" I said, I could see that the anger had overridden his body. He reached out and punched me in my face before I could move out of his way. It wasn't a weak punch either.



Uttama- divine love Love is a feeling of selflessness, it is an action that reflects this selflessness, love is without ulterior motive, true love is undiverted, - rupa goswami

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