chapter 3

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Luna has found a book from the rocket she flew in, she now begins to read it

Chapter 3...

Part 1......My name is luna and i have just landed on the abandoned place. I am kind of sad that i had to leave all of my good friends and my parents, but it was for the best. I was told by my parents what my importance was and i plan to live up to what i am. I am going to go and explore this place now, i will be back tomorrow, bye........

Luna was very curious to find out what would happen next but it said read one part per day. The book was a diary more than a book. She was also startled on the fact the person is going through the same thing as her, with only that one book to keep her company. 

"Wasnt my gradmothers name Lunar?...this couldnt be hers, could it?"

Luna thought to herself what she just read and rememberes the stories of her grandmother, and it all added up, she was reading her grandmothers diary from 70 years ago. Her grandmother had died about 2 years ago, she was around 80 years old. Her grandmother was the founder of the planet they lived on, she heard stories of how she was important to her old planet and was shipped off for safety. Luna thought she was so young, and that couldnt be her scenario. She wished that she could be home and know why she was shipped off and why this book was placed here. The book said on one of its opening pages that it would be a guide for the lights beholder. So she figured she might be able to learn how to live on since the diary was meant to guide somebody. Luna decieded to look for other things in the ship. She saw something that she loved at home, it was a toy where you had to bounce a bead into a whole. She took a walk while trying to forget everything in the moment while playing the game. Luna was walking and suddely tripped on something. 

"aaahhh" she yelled while falling

"peek" said the mysterious creature

" Hi there" she said adored by its cuteness 

"peek" it said with a smile

Luna began to cry because it reminded her of all her stuffed animals she had at home. She tried to wipe her tears but the creature came up to her and sat down right in front of her. Luna was shocked but then grabbed it and gave it a light hug.

"Im gonna call you peek" luna said with a huge smile

Luna then picked peek up and walked with it back to the ship.

"what are you doing here alone"

-hiccup- went peek

Luna was shocked and it didnt take her long to realize that peek was tired and that it was already getting dark. She made a room in the rocket for them both. Luna grabbed peek and then closed her eyes.

"i love you luna" peek said

Lunas eyes were wide in shock......

*******************************************************************************************************            I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. THis chapter wasnt in first person because i forgot that to make it that has been 2 months so spare me. New chapters will be coming soon. DONT FORGET TO PREDICT, and thank you for all the people reading my story.....and again im sorry it took so long.

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