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Taehyung stood in front of his company's building. In his mind, this was the last time he'd be here. He had decided to leave and find that evil person who murdered his (Y/N). Taehyung knew who did it, no matter what the authorities said. She had a violent man in her life and she probably didn't even know it. He let out a sigh as he thought of her. (Y/N)'s beauty showed all the time, especially when she first woke up. She was absolutely gorgeous, and now she's gone.

"Yah! What are you doing here?" Jimin's voice rang out from behind Taehyung. He turned to face Jimin, displaying a fake smile.

"I was just coming back to get a few things I forgot," he replied. That was a lie. He was just looking so he wouldn't forget what his life looked like.

"Me, too. Let's go together," Jimin said as he walked on to the door, Tae following close.

As they walked through the building, Taehyung couldn't help but think about his friends. Even though they were bandmates, they were so close that they considered each other brothers. He closed his eyes and exhaled, processing the plan in his mind. He would take the first train to Daegu to visit his mother and father before doing all of the research he possible could on that monster. He knew his first name, that was it.

"Jae-Joon..." he whispered to himself, picturing his face. The image was blurred, but he knew that it had to be him.

"What?" Jimin asked, turning to face him. Taehyung looked up and opened his mouth to speak, but just shook his head and dismissed it. Jimin looked at him with a confused expression, but decided to let it go and continue walking. The walk through the building never felt so long in Tae's mind. Finally, they reached the studio. Jimin walked in and picked up a jacket from the ground.

"Weren't you going to get something, too?" he asked Taehyung. Quickly, he came up with an excuse.

"Ah, I must not have left it here," was his response. Jimin nodded with an understanding expression, walking up to him and placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I'll see you after the break," he smiled. Taehyung forced himself to smile back, knowing they would most likely never see each other again. They stood there for only a few seconds before Jimin walked away, leaving Tae alone. Letting out a sigh, he walked around the studio. It hadn't changed in years, and he hoped it never would. Of course he would miss coming here early in the mornings and spending time with everyone.

The decision to leave and find him came easily, though. (Y/N) was someone he would kill for; someone he WILL kill for. She was worth it, whether or not she was still in his life. For she was still in his heart, and that drove him to leave. This was something he had to do. Determined was a word for it. He was determined and heartbroken.

Taehyung walked out of the building and looked back one last time. Taking a deep breath, he turned and made his was down the street.

'I'm really doing it,' he thought as his old life fell farther and farther behind him. He knew nothing would be the same from this point on. Murder was on his mind just as much as vengeance. Nothing could stop him now.

Taehyung looked at each face he passed through the train station. They had neutral expressions, but each of them had their own battles; whether it was inner demons or people in their life that were fighting them.

'None of their battles are like mine,' Tae thought to himself, followed by a quiet chuckled. He got onto the train, prepared for a long ride. Surely nobody would recognize him with his mask on. At least, he hoped.

After a long three and a half hour trip, Taehyung had arrived in Daegu. His parents lived only a few minutes away by foot, so he began to walk. When he finally arrived, he went to knock on the wooden door. Then, he paused. He knew they would be so disappointed in him for leaving to go on a manhunt. He also knew that he couldn't go through with it if he saw them again, so happy that their son had come home to see them.

He shook his head and turned away from the door. He couldn't turn back on his self-made promise to (Y/N). He wiped a single tear from his cheek and walked down three small steps. He kept going, not looking back. It was difficult not to, but he could never go back. Ever.

His pace quickened as he made his way back to the train station to wait for the next train. He didn't have the slightest idea where he would go or look. This whole thing was improvised as he went on, so he would just go where he was fated to. He knew one thing, though; this was going to be a long and tiring hunt. Jae-Joon could be out of the country by now, but Taehyung hoped and prayed that he was somewhere in Korea. It would make it a whole lot easier on him.

Taehyung took a seat on one of the benches in the station. He shook a backpack off of him and opened it. Taking out a pen and notebook, he began to write. He wrote about (Y/N), Jae-Joon, and how difficult everything was to process. She was gone, and he was the reason for it. By him, he didn't mean Jae-Joon. He meant himself. In his mind, he was the reason all of it had happened. If he and (Y/N) stayed together, Jae-Joon would have never been in the equation.

He closed the notebook and put it, along with the pen, back into his backpack. He closed his eyes and sighed as he heard the rails screech and a large crowd of people having conversations. Taehyung stood and put his backpack on as he yet again stepped on the train. Wherever it stopped, he would, too.

Taehyung opened his eyes as the train stopped for the fifth time. He got off this time, not paying attention to where he was. There was a feeling in his gut that he needed to stop here. As he stepped outside and into the light, he knew exactly where he was.

"Hello, Busan."

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