VS & modeling lingerie

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Song: me and you by ally Dawson aka laura marano

-Later that same day-

Though Ross didn't think it was a good idea for Laura to go anywhere, she insisted she felt much better and conned him into going to the mall with her.

"I just need a couple of new bras. You don't have to come in with me if you don't want to," she explained, but of course he gave her the devious eyebrow waggle.

"I think I'll follow you anyway. If memory serves me correct, you also need some new nighties. I'm thinking something in a nice shade of yellow?"

Propping one hand on her hip, she reminded him, "I wouldn't need anything new if you'd stop ripping my lingerie to shreds like a kid on Christmas."

"Hey!" he chuckled, then grabbed her hand and led her into Victoria's Secret. "It's always a gift seeing you walk around in something sexy. Besides, that's the fun part with any present... tearing away the pretty wrapping paper."

"Ugh! You're impossible."

He chuckled at her. "You're just realizing that now?"

"Good point." Letting go of his hand, she thought it best to get rid of him for a while. "Why don't you go... pick something out while I get what I need? It'll just take me a few minutes." As it was, his eyes were already focusing in on a display of the new spring line.

"Okay." She kissed his cheek and bounded off, leaving him to drool over all the sexy new choices he had in front of him to make.

Ross took his time, knowing her better than she did herself and that she'd be more than a few minutes. Pushing the hangers aside, he started picking his new 'prezzies' out with enthusiasm. White? Negative. Pink? Got some already. Black? Always a good choice. Ah! Here we are... pale yellow. After selecting half a dozen outfits he was hard just thinking about seeing her in, his eyes went in search of his girl.

There she is. As suspected, she was still busy shopping. He leaned against the wall and just observed her for a few moments while she chatted away with a sales lady. Nostalgia took over; bringing back the memory of when he'd first followed her around at the Victoria's in NY. Shit, he'd been such a bastard towards her back then.

Even though they'd been living together for months now, there were days - like today - he still couldn't get over the fact that she loved him. Lord knows he wasn't the easiest person to get along with but she managed it, and him, with ease and a sassy brand of grace that was hers alone. As he watched her giggling away with the other woman, her hands held out in front of her breasts apparently discussing whatever size and type of bra she wanted, he couldn't help but think how radiant she looked. Of course she always did, but for whatever reason, she looked especially radiant today. She turned her head in his direction, catching his eye and gave him a warm, sort of shy smile with a hint of blush staining her cheeks before returning her attention back to the conversation she was having. In the span of those three seconds she'd spared him, he swore she practically glowed.

"Find a nighty you like?" she asked as soon as she walked up to him.

"Several." He gave her a wink as he held them up but noted the frown marring her face. "What's the matter? You don't like them?"

"No. They're fine. Just noticing that..." she trailed off, pondering exactly how to say it without embarrassing herself.

Now she was blushing profusely, piquing his naughty curiosity. "Noticing what?" He leaned in to whisper. "Is it dirty? Because you can totally tell me whatever dirty thoughts you're having."

She lightly punched his shoulder. "It's not dirty; it's just... awkward for me to say."

"What is it?" Awkward?! Okay, now he wasn't sure whatshe was thinking. Ever since he'd come back from the field, her temperament had been somewhat... different.

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