Chapter Twenty-Two: Partners

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Aliana's POV

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Aliana's POV

School. I hated school so much. Yesterday I didn't have enough time to finish my homework. I finished some sheets, but not all of them. 

I was in for a treat. I went to the closet and rummaged around until I found a cream sweater and a floral skirt. I went to the bathroom and put in some stud earrings and grabbed a matching bracelet. 

I did a side braid and added some bobby pins to make it look more natural then frizzy. I smiled at my reflection before brushing my teeth. I went back to the closet and grabbed some really cute boots. They looked so cute with the outfit.

I grabbed my backpack from the closet and bounded downstairs. I said a quick 'Good morning' to Mrs. Reams before grabbing a piece of toast. I wasn't waiting for Fiona because I wanted to get to the library for some homework time. I left the house and started down the sidewalk.


"Hey, Ali," someone said from behind me. I turned away from my locker to see Mason standing there with a calm smile. It seemed like he was adjusting well to our school. I smiled back and slammed my locker.

"Hi, Mason. Is our great school community treating you well?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. I'm successfully stayed away from Ryan and his minions since my first day. I did spot him near the gym the yesterday, but I ran away before he could see me."

"Well, at least you got away." He nodded again. The update with Mason is that ever since his first day, he has sat with me, Fiona, and Zora. He didn't have anyone else to sit wit, and luckily he was okay with sitting with a group of girls at lunch. He thought it showed everyone in the cafeteria that he was a ladies man.

Zora and Fiona were suddenly by our sides. "Hey, guys!" Zora greeted. Fiona was clothing her books in a death grip and avoided our gazes. I didn't say anything. I also noticed that she seemed a little pale.

"Hey," Mason greeted them cooly, but his gaze stuck on Zora and a light pink blush started to creep its way onto his pale cheeks. I smirked at the sight. 

Fiona suddenly gripped Zora's arm. Zora lifted looked down at Fiona's hand on her arm before shrugging her shoulder to loosen Fiona's hard grip. Her grip only tightened, so tight that her knuckles were white. I looked to were Fiona's gaze had traveled to where some guys were eating Pop-Tarts. I turned back to them and raised my brow. Fiona's face looked green.

She pulled her hand away and ran off down the hall, maneuvering around bunches of students. Zora and I shared a look of confusion. Zora jerked a thumb in the direction the Fiona went in. "We should go." I nodded, giving Mason a look that said without words sorry I have to leave you so soon.

Mason waved me off. I gave him thankful look before running down the hall with Zora. We turned a corner, looking down the dark, empty hall. We were about to turn around and go a different way, but I spotted Fiona's backpack by the door of the bathroom.

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