Chap. 5 Buzz Cut

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Evan P.O.V. 

I still had the gun on me, I knew exactly what to do as I turned around to face him and set my hand on my boss's cheek, leaning in and kissed him lightly. As my boss was distracted by touching my ass and trying to get me hard. I slowly pulled the pistol from my hoodie and set it against his rock solid chest, slowly pulling away. "Don't fucking touch me again. I'm not your bitch. I work for you and don't give blow jobs to sixty year old guys. I'm leaving and coming back to work next week for my next job. Now have a nice day." I said that to him hella clear and kept the gun to his chest as I slowly unlock the door and walk out. "You'll regret this Evan." He hissed as I then lowered the gun and slid it back into the ripped slit in my hoodie. I walk off quickly, feeling the cold tickle my nose again as I push everyone out of the way and leave. I knew Axel wouldn't be outside waiting for me but I had a tiny hope that was now severely crushed and stomped on once more for today. I put the hoodie over my face and slip on my mittens. Come for me, I have mittens. I walked quickly and make the opposite turn to the south side instead of the north side. 'He's such a two faced, fucking, bitch ass, slutty, wore, slender, cute, delicate, tan, freckly, sweet, straight boy!!! Fuck!!!" He was on my mind twenty hour seven since I met him and it pisses me off.  I go silent as people look at me strangely like something was wrong with me. I don't understand society. People judge more than I've ever seen. I hate it.

I get home and slam open the door, yawning as my group bombards me, jumping on my back and pulling me to the couch. They're watching Big Hero 6. Are you fucking with me? "What the hell is happening...?" I huff out as they laugh and pull me to sit in the middle. "SHUT UP!!! WE'RE AT THE GOOD PART!!" One of seven guys laugh. "You guys are fucking childs.... I'm going to my room..." I yell angrily but I smile on the inside and run off before they try to grab me. I love them. Not in the way you were thinking. I love them like brothers. They are like brothers to me, only family I got to be honest. My mother isn't like a mother to me, more like a drunk aunt. I sat down on my bed and cover my face, cursing as I look at the bills on my desk. My shaky, tan dark hand slams the money I earned down and I slip off my hoodie slowly. I throw myself onto my broken bed and slip under the soft, dark grey sheets. Almost immediately falling asleep and had the usual nightmare. Fuck.

Axel P.O.V. 

I lay on the ground still. There are bruises all over my body... My dad screamed at me the whole time he held me there and did that to me... I can't move. My body hurts, I feel tears dry on my red bruised cheeks. I'm in and out of conscious until I fully wake to the sound of a buzz in the background. I close my eyes again, not because I want to but because they were swollen shut. It hurts. Everything hurts. At first I want to call Sarah my girlfriend but then my mind wanders to Evan. Why him.... He means nothing to me and I was only with him for like 4 hours. I'm tired.... The buzz gets louder and I hear my dads foot steps. I don't want him to get close to me ever again. I'm done caring for him. I'm done making sure he smiles. I'm done making sure he sees his kids. I want to run, get out of this house. I can't breath that well and I lay on my stomach, my cheek leaning against the wood, tears still falling as I feel something against my scalp, ripping something off of me. What's happening? It sort of hurts. Then I feel my hair hit the ground. I'm breathing heavy, heavier, quicker, faster, I'm scared. What is going on. I can't scream. My body is trembling. Oh GOD, Please help me. OH GOD OH GOD! I let out a scream and spin around onto my back. I'm still naked. My dad is dressed again and he's monotone. He has a shaver plugged into one of the outlets and some of my hairs are stuck to it, the rest is stuck to my cheek and the chipped floors. I think I'm going to vomit as bruises liter my body. He opens his mouth and takes a breath. "You look like your mother..." Was all he said as he started to push me back down to finish what he had started. He went back to shaving my head as I shook my head. I beg. I beg. I beg him to stop and let me go to my room. But he keeps cutting until I feel more nude than I already am, All my hair is gone as I look to the ground, never again will I look in his eyes again. Never Again. 

.please stop feeding my fire. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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