Chapter 14

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Just saying this chapter has a lot of drama.. Just warning you. Anyway my lovelys, Enjoy! :)


I raise my eyebrow at Cameron. He has taken a pause and was staring at us blankly.

Who the hell is it?! I'm getting antsy here!

"Spill it!" Madalyn spits

"Fine.." Cam shrugs

"I like..






"Diane" he practically whispers

"OMG YESSS!" Me and Madalyn jump up and down holding hands like back in the day .. Oh wait I haven't known her for that long. Ok fine , we jumped up and down holding hands like little girls. Better?

"Shut up!" Cams eyes widen

"Nope! Cam don't you see, Diane likes you back! She just never had the guts to tell you" I smile

"R-really?" He blushes .. I haven't seen him blush much before but right now his cheeks were as red as tomatoes! He's such a cutie!

"Yea Cammy" I giggle "now go get her! She's at the grill" I drag him out of his seat and push him out the double doors


I walk nervously up the steps. What if they were just saying she likes me and she really doesn't? What if I'll make a huge goof of myself? I'm gonna mess up, I know it! I'll stutter and I'll probably face plant in front of her. I'll be the laughing stock of the whole grill.

What if-

I'm brang out of my thoughts. I saw Diane, but not alone. She was dirty dancing and making out with one of the grills bar tenders...

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

I finally get over Lexi and the girl I like is the girl who's making out with a guy she probably never met in her life!

I'm mad, sad and pissed all whirled in one. Mostly sad, I mean it took me so long to get over Lexi only to have this happen..

I sigh and storm off.


"Brother, it worked" I grin

"well duh, it was my plan" he waves his hands as he spoke


Your probably thinking what plan? What did you do? What happened? Well simple.

We followed the girls to Tim Hortons and over heard them talking about how Cameron likes Diane. As Lexi pushed cam out the door we took a short cut to the grill where Diane was. She was texting her friends and having a great time. When she went to use the rest room Trent and I put a drug in her drink. All she was think was sex, fun, party, drink. When cam saw I almost felt.. Sorry? No that can't be right. Right?

Anyways Diane's still humping the damn bar tender. Trent and I drank to our success.

I burst out laughing as I see the unknown bar tender and Diane leaving, he's probably going to knock her up. That would be even better! If Diane got pregnant or something, it would ruin there life's even more so I'm all for it.

They will pay.

D I A N E ~the next morning~

I wake up to unfamiliar room. What the hell? What happened?

The last thing I remember is coming back from the bathroom and drinking my wine. Then feeling.. Off. Everything after that is a total blur.

"Hot stuff? You up?" A male voice whispers

"What the fuck? W- who are you?!" I scream

He chuckled "you must of been super drunk but yea we fucked"

I gasp and my hands go up to my mouth. Well he's settle. He then gets out from under the covers exposing his naked body. I sneer in disgust, and it doesn't help it's like the size of a peanut, literally.

"Get away from me and get some clothes on you asshole!" I scream covering my eyes

"Well well, this is my house you can get out yourself" he grins

I frown, but grip the blankets around me so no skin shows. I grab my clothes from the ground and change in the bathroom.

"Uh.. Dude?" I ask quietly

"What come back for more?" He grins coming closer

"No I just uh- did we .. Did we use protection?" I ask awkwardly

"Of course not" he laughs like this is all a joke. How dare he!

"I fucking hate you" I growl

Then I leave the house for hopefully forever. If I ever see him or that house it will be to soon.

As I was walking I hadn't realize I was crying until now. The cries slowly turned into sobs.

"I just want to go home" I sob "please let me get home safe..."

And I continued to walk down the street.

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