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Dear Readers,

The word I have picked for today is entrenched. The definition of entrenched is of something being ingrained into your mind, soul, and body. Things that can be entrenched into your mind are people who say they love you but end up leaving you as soon as you open up about your depression. Or schizophrenia. Or anxiety. They leave you, and they leave a mark on your mind that will never go away. People can touch your soul, as if it was a tangible object. They can either wreck havoc, or leave your soul a better place. They can pick up the shards that someone else left and put you back together. They can put you back together like a long lost puzzle. Or shatter you and leave you like a childhood toy. New word, childhood. Some childhoods are bad, some are fantabulous(I trademark that word). I had one that was right in between, but let's get off that subject. Back to the word of the day, entrenched. They leave marks on your body, because every inch of skin was set on fire when they hugged you, or held your hand. They made you feel loved, but at the same time made you loathe yourself. You just want to be good enough so you entrench the feeling of beauty into your mind, soul, and body. Another graceful word, beauty that is. The initial idea of beauty in this day and age is exactly this long, healthy hair. Tall, graceful legs, wide eyes searching for love and being skinny, but curvaceous at the same time. Everything some people cannot achieve. That is beauty to photographers, they're there to capture the beauty in the world around them. The definition of beauty being aesthetic and/or perfect. I hate ideals in America. Everywhere to be completely honest. Honesty, let's move onto that. Some people think honesty is the devil, and do nothing but lie, all the time. Namely, people like my dad. He lies all the frickin' time. Let's get off that subject and back into how this ties into the word entrenched. Some people get so caught up in not being honest, that their own version of their lies gets ingrained into their head. That's how honesty and entrenchment tie together. Beauty comes in because it is ingrained into our minds at a young age to try and be as beautiful as possible. Beauty, honesty, and entrenchment. 

Sincerely Yours,

The Word-Vomit Queen/King

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