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Infinite—the part of the universe found on one side of the Rib of Realms. It includes an enormous number of worlds. Not intelligent at first, the Infinite aquired a kind of ability to feel (on the level of "I feel good / I feel bad") and a desire to sort himself out, to harmonize. Being ill-equipped to do this himself for want of sentience, the Infinite "appropriated" the suitable, that is the Nae's "brains," with which he now "thinks."

Inaan—an Eale, Lord Al Emenayit, Timela's co-ruler.


Keane an Temiar—an Alae, High Priest of Briaellar. Retained the title of patriarch of House an Temiar in defiance of the rules. Sianae Aniallu's adoptive father. Member of the Briaellar Council.

Keara an Temiar—an Alae, matriarch of House an Temiar, sister of High Priest Keane, member of the Briaellar Council.

Kor—an Alae, current king of Rual, brother of Amialis, uncle of Anar. He ascended the throne after his sister's abdication, but remained under her influence for a long time after.

Krian an Saei—a Mercurion's dragon who became the husband of Amialis of Rual. Father of Anar, Nakar, Daelanor and Gelaryon.


Lanfeyr—the Enhiargean god of dreams and visions. His domain includes the fog-laced Dream Valley at the foot of Dragon Fangs.

Lord of Wind (Mercurion)—the Nae of air and space. Called upon to look after the integrity of the fabric of the Infinite, he commands the most profound understanding of its structure, the nature of its borders and the connections that exist between worlds. He keeps the secrets of magical (and non-magical) transport between them. Portals, the most precious asset for adventurers, traders and travelers, are under his jurisdiction as well. He created a race of dragons called "Mercurion's Dragons" and settled them in Dragon Fangs, Enhiarg's two highest cliffs. The Nae himself does not remain in any one place for long, and gets involved in worldly life mostly at someone's behest (for example, the Nae Alasais, his old friend).


Meori an Al Emenayit—an Eale, a Feeler, matriarch of House an Al Emenayit, Patriarch Selorn's co-ruler, mother of Enaor, member of the Briaellar Council.

Mercurion—see Lord of Wind.


Nalarites—"children of Water." The creation of Nelleyn, Lord of Water.

Naol Tenderpaw of House of Shadows—an Alae, patriarch of House of Shadows (an Sia), husband of Ferrimela Purring Death, father of Ejtli Tinoya, member of the Briaellar Council.

Naeentities of unknown nature who arrived in the Infinite from beyond the Rib of Realms. By the will of the Infinite, they were given the opportunity to meld with a certain element (if one can call dreams, death or emotions 'elements') and gain the kind of supreme mastery over it that not even the most powerful gods could rival. In return, each of them assumed a series of obligations, while three of them—Veindor, Tialianna and Alasais—even gave a portion of their own minds in service of the Infinite, so that, in making use of it, thinking with it, he could develop, grow and become ever more harmonious.

Naeriathe central part of Enhiarg, girded by Aenejan Mountains. The dwelling place of the Nae and the gods of this world.

Nelleyn—the Nae of Water. Creator of the Nalarites. Resides with his people in Nel-Ileyn.

Nel-Ileyn—the domain of Nelleyn, Lord of Water. Populated primarily by Nalarites. Separated from the rest of Naeria by an oblong ring of mountains called Nelvard.


Orin—a half-elf, brother of Enbri and Ziela.


Rector of Lindorg—not only the head of the main Lindgor Academy of Magic, but also the ruler of the city where it is located. His true name is not known to anyone. Presumably human.


Selorn an Al Emenayit—an Eale, patriarch of House an Al Emenayit, Anaeis Meori's co-ruler. Briaellar's preeminent telepath. Irera and Sianae Aniallu's adoptive father. Member of the Briaellar Council.

Shenaven—site of spontaneous portal generation.

Si'alae (transformed to Alae)—a creature of Alaean soul but born in a non-Alaean body who comes to feel a spiritual kinship with Alasais' children later in life, ultimately acquiring a feline skin. Most si'alae end up with a mixed look, combining Alaean features with those characteristic of their former race.

Sianae (or Alasais' Shadow)—one of her closest aides, tasked with carrying out the Nae's special missions. All the Shadows were personally created by their mistress and bear a remarkable likeness to her.

Soul Healers—the Enhiargean analogue of psychologists; their training includes the ability to detect various magical (telepathic) manipulations exerted on the customer's mind, and to remove them.

Soul's Justice—the ability of royal Rual souls who had died violent deaths to unmask their killers.


Tal Sianae—see sianae

Teinlaan an Meanor—an Alae, patriarch of House an Meanor, former High Mage of Briaellar, father of Feynlaan, who currently occupies the post, member of the Briaellar Council.

Tialianna—a Nae, goddess of fortune, also called Lady of Destinies and Mistress of Pathmaking, creator of the Tanae race. Resides in Tialinheal.

Tialinheal—the Pearl Palace of the Nae Tialianna, located in the center of Naeria, directly under the flying island of Briaellar.

Timela—an Eale, sister of Patriarch Selorn, Lady Al Emenayit and Inaan's co-ruler. Currently left her post to set out to the Eternal Tree.


Veindor—the Nae of Crossing Over (Death and Birth), dubbed "the Merciful" by Enhiargeans. His mission is to select new incarnations for deceased beings based on the particular nature of their souls. Creator of the silver (phantom) dragons, with whom he resides in Tir-Veinlon (the Silver Cliffs). Patron of the neighboring kingdom of Elidan.


Wall of Life—a kind of short journal of an outstanding individual, carved into the wall of their soon-to-be tomb by their own hand.

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