24 - Recording

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Vanessa's POV

After the funeral, Roni, Collins, Aaron and I go back to the apartment. "I forgot we were moving." I say, as I walk through the door. "Same." Roni adds. "Your not moving though." I laugh, sitting on the couch.

"Yeah, but I forgot you were moving." She adds, taking off her shoes. "You don't have to move if you don't want to." Collins says, sitting on the floor next to Roni. "It's your choice."

"Well think about it later. Besides, we are recording tomorrow!" I grin. "Oh yeah! This is going to be so cool! Wait, we haven't told the twinners....." Roni says concerned, pulling out her phone. "Let's run some polls." I suggest. She nods her head in agreement.

Vanessamerrell: Hey guys! So we have big things coming up, and we wanna know what songs you think are your favorites! So, votee! ☺️
Runner Runner
Internet crush
Valentine's Day

Veronicamerrell: he yo! We have big things coming up and we wanna know what songs you guys like of ours, so...vote! Please? 💕
Beautiful disaster
Never go back
One million
What I want for Christmas

MerrellTwins: Hey guys! We are back from our trips thank you for your patience. Now, we are running a poll to see what songs you guys like, so...vote! ☺️💕
Rhyming songs
I love food (you helped us write)
Taking things literal

After tweeting the polls we get a lot of votes and replies, guessing what we could need the songs for. Roni and Collins decide to order pizzas, so we call up the place and order four pizzas. Don't judge us.

The pizzas arrive and Aaron pays the guy, taking the pizzas to the couch. We put on a movie (Harry potter Prisoner of Azkaban), and eat in front of the tv. Halfway through the movie when the pizza is all done, my eyelids start to droop and I fall asleep.

Veronicas POV

I wake up at 10am to Star bouncing around my head. "Star..." I moan, pushing him off my head. He whimpers and cuddles up next to me. "That's better." I grin, hugging him. I roll out of bed and down the hallway to find everyone else already up and dressed. "Hello zombie." Collins laughs, kissing my forehead.

I wrap my arms around his torso and lean into his chest. "Do I really look that bad?" I laugh. "Nah, your always gorgeous but right now a shower wouldn't hurt. I pull a fade at him and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.


"Recording today!" I grin, grabbing some toast and peanut butter. "Yes! Are you guys coming or staying here?" Nessa asks the boys. "I'll come along." Collins agrees, eati his third bowl of cereal. "Why didn't you have something more filling if you knew you were gonna eat three bowls!" I laugh, sitting down next to him.

"Well, you want a bite?" He offers the spoon to my mouth. I hesitate then eat the Cheerios, enjoying the taste. "Needs some honey." I mumble with my mouth full, before taking a bite of my own toast. "You could've told me that two bowls ago." He mumbles, getting up to the kitchen.

"Ready to go?" Nessa asks, standing up and putti her pate in the dishwasher. "Yep. Aaron are you coming?" I ask, putting on my shoes. "Nah, I think I'll stay here and do some editing." Aaron replies, kissing Nessa and waking to his room

Aaron has started an editing program online, since his YouTube channel didn't do very well and he stopped making videos, he still wanted to edit things so he signed up for the program. "Bye!" We all call out to Aaron, as we leave the house into the heat.

We arrive at the recording studio and wait until our producer called Dave got there. "Girls! Common in, make yourselves at home." Dave appears from down the hall, and we make our way into the room. "Hello mate, what is your relationship with these girls?" He asks politely to Collins.

"I'm Veronicas husband." He smiles, shaking Dave's hand.  "Congratulations on your marriage! Anyway. You can take a seat on this couch and watch the lovely ladies record. What are we starting with?" Dave smiles, walking into the booth with us and handing us headphones. "Runner runner was the most popular one by far, so I think we should start with that." Nessa smiles, putting on her headphones.

"Alright, let me get the track.....got it. Okay, stand next to the microphone, good. Headphones on..." We put our headphones on and he mouths a countdown. The music starts playing in my ears and I sing the first verse.

We continue doing this to multiple songs, and we get three complete songs in two hours. "Just a little bit of editing and three will be good to go." Dave smiles as we walk out of the booth.

"You sounded great from what I could hear, which wasn't much." Collins laughs. "Thank you." I smile, standing on my tiptoes and kissing his nose. "Thanks Dave!" We wave as we walk out of the studio.

We hop in the car and begin the drive home. "Hey Roni?" Nessa asks from the backseat. "Yeah?" I turn around to look at her. "I dont wanna move away from you. But I know Aaron does."

"Well then stay, I'm sure Aaron will be fine as long as your happy. And hey,maybe in the future we could get houses next to each other. But for now you don't have to if you don't want to." I smile. "Are you alright with it Collins?" I ask. "Yes! Party's! Jokes. But yeah I'm fine with it, the more the merrier am I right? Also I just want Roni to be happy, and you as well of course."

"Thanks Collins." I smile, as we pull up in the driveway at home. "I'm just not sure how Aaron's gonna take it." I say as we walk up the steps to the apartment. "Aaron?" I call through the house.

"Yeah?" I get a reply. I take a deep breath before walking down the hall to our room. "Hey, how did the recording go?" He asks, looking up form the computer. "Good, good." I smile. "I don't think we should move out." I blurt.

"What? Why?" He asks. "Well, I don't wanna leave Roni, like, the funeral got me thinking g that people only have a short amount of time to live so you want to spend as much time with them as possible."

"But Nessa, we won't get time to ourselves!" Aaron pleads. "Yes we will. We can make it work. Please Aaron?" I beg. "I'll think about it." He says harshly, turning around to face the computer. "O..okay." I stutter, rushing out of the room.

A/N hey look I wrote a chapter for once, like on time. Lolol. I am actually a huge Harry Potter fan, anyone else? I'm in hufflepuff like Nessa ☺️ Don't forget to vote and comment so I know you like the story. Xx - zozobear

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